Forum Replies Created

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

  • RE: Best Way to Calculate Age

    Let me weigh in with the observation that the 1 and 0 should be reversed on 3rd answer. [which by the way I determined before reading the comments.] Interesting exercise.

  • RE: Replication deletes permissions

    Sorry, I seem to have misdiagnosed the problem. The permissions were not staying when set in the subscriber database. I deleted all tables and recreated them, setting the permissions with script...

  • RE: Moving Data between Text fields

    Thank you Aaron & David; I'm expermenting with both suggestions. My boss also suggested that since the text was growing so large we could just display it as a PDF...

  • RE: Error 17882 - Net-Library 'SSNETLIB'

    Appreciate the response.

    We don't use Cold Fusion. Intend to install SP3 when operational commitments allow.

    The Blackbox trace we're running hasn't given any useful data; it actually is reporting "Failed...

  • RE: Error 17882 - Net-Library 'SSNETLIB'


    I'm not much of a Performance Monitor user but when I set up the four counters you recommended they all read out at 100% [or 0 but I only see...

  • RE: Error 17882 - Net-Library 'SSNETLIB'

    No other applications. I will set up the performance monitor.




    Are there any other applications also running in this server? Keep watching...

  • RE: Error 17882 - Net-Library 'SSNETLIB'

    I ran xp_fixeddrives on 3 servers; the problem box and another production server. No error on either and the xpstar.dll version is the same. Also no error on my development...

  • RE: Error 17882 - Net-Library 'SSNETLIB'

    Thanks Allen & Robert

    Here are the other errors and interesting lines in the SQL Server Logs:

    Operating system error 1: Incorrect function...

    Error: 17059, Severity: 18, State: 0

    Error 17882 ... [subject error]


  • RE: Cannot create publication on SQL2000

    In continuing to troubleshoot this problem I came upon the Remote Servers tab under Security in EM which had an entry. I deleted that entry and was warned that a...

  • RE: Cannot create publication on SQL2000

    Again appreciate the response.

    Mkumari - The SQL Agent login is in the local Admin group.

    jmadren - I've tried both the "Configure Publishing, Subscribers, and Distribution..." wizard and "Create and...

  • RE: Cannot create publication on SQL2000


    I am sorry, I mean How you are starting the SQL Agent services.

    SQLServer and...

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)