Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

  • RE: Help with Logic

    Thats exactly what I did Ramesh - works a treat now

  • RE: Help with Logic

    Ok I can see the flaw - its the replace function that causes the problem

    set @searchterms= replace(@searchterms, SUBSTRING(@Searchterms,1,@Spaceat),'')

    when it removes '1 ' it affects '11 ' in the searchterms etc...

  • RE: Help with Logic

    Thanks guys - I have prepared a stripped down version of the original sql that uses the pubs database to test with - it works when the @SearchTerms is as...

  • RE: how to rollback update command

    Assuming you backup regularly

    to reinstate the old dates :

    Do a RESTORE of database1 with its latest backup to a new database2

    then update database1 setting database1.datecolumn = database2.datecolumn where database1.IDcolumn...

  • RE: Help - Counting problem using INNER JOIN

    Thanks David, you steered me in the right direction - got it working correctly using 'LEFT JOIN'

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)