Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

  • RE: Ad Hoc Reports in Report Builder

    The SQL Server 2005 Tools were actually a path I started down Friday, Having privilege issues getting it installed on the server, but it appears to be able to accomplish...

  • RE: Ad Hoc Reports in Report Builder

    Thank you both for the responses, we now have a fairly complex model developed.  One thing we have not been able to get working though is security.  We want to use...

  • RE: Connection Manager - No available servers

    I believe you can just type in the server you want to connect to.  I don't ever use the drop down in server name we have to many it takes...

  • RE: FTP Task Help

    When you deploy your package... make sure to click the checkbox that says depend on server for security.  You're losing your password because of the security settings on the package.


  • RE: Dynamic Filepath in foreach file enumerator

    Thank you Daniel.  Even after reading your explination it took me a while to find it.  Talk about hidden!

    But it's working beautifully.


  • RE: Dynamic column names

    Thank you Steve.  I added a join to the user preference table to narrow down the results and it's working beautifully.  I had hoped that somehow the PIVOT option in...

  • RE: Dynamic column names

    Sure. If someone had the UK set as their preference they'd get this....


    Business Unit January Quarter 1 EmployeeID
    ---------------- ---------- ------------ -------------

    UK Business Unit UK January UK Quarter 1 UK EmployeeID
    (1 row(s) affected)

    Though someone from France would...

  • RE: FTP and Unzipping in SSIS

    Thank you Wanderer, I look forward to seeing it.

    I've been toying with getting one of our app guys to write a web service that checks for their file, ftp's and...

  • RE: 640

    Six years ago we had 7 with 20 or so databases.  Today.  more like 300 production servers with a couple thousand databases, and an untold number of dev servers/databases (including...

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)