Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 110 total)

  • RE: Looking For third party Tools.....

    Thank you for response Grant,

    I installed Red Gate Soft and using but its very costly tools ,as we are in small infrastructure my management will not go for that.So am...

  • RE: Denying the DB Scripting...

    Thank you Mr.Suneel,

    Its worked for me,But am not able to view the tables which are there under the DB.Before executing the query which you have given i can able to...

  • RE: Denying the DB Scripting...

    For sp_help we will do "deny exec sp_help to public" ,

    And for Deny View i used the following

    "Deny view definition to public" and tried but it doesn't...

  • RE: Denying the DB Scripting...

    is the user member of any powerful instance level security group(s) or has the account been granted things 'on any database' ?

    No,The User don't have any Instance level security and...

  • RE: Denying the DB Scripting...

    Hi Johan,

    Thanks for your response...

    I had tried that "deny view definition to Login_Name" but still that user can see the Definition of the Database only.

    i had denied all the...

  • RE: Altering the DB Role?

    SELECT SUSER_SNAME(owner_sid) AS DatabaseOwner, name AS DatabaseName

    FROM sys.databases

    WHERE name = 'yourdb' code]

    Hi Perry Whittle..

    Here Login Name is :Restricted,

    Db Name is :Maintain


  • RE: Altering the DB Role?

    Thank you for your Reply @Gail,

    I am trying to remove the db_owner role to that Login but it is showing an error like

    "Cannot Use the Special Principal 'dbo' ...

  • RE: sys.dm_exec_query_stats?

    Hi Mr.Lempster,

    Thank you for response ,I ll Try this and let you know the status.....

  • RE: How to restrict an user to do not take the Script of DB or table

    At last i got the solution for my Question.

    By using the below Statements

    deny select on sys.Columns to Login_Name,

    deny select on sys.All_objects to Login_Name,


    Once again thank you all for ur...

  • RE: Property Test is not Available for the Default Constraint?

    At Last i got Solution..:-):-):-):-):-):-)

  • RE: View Definition?

    Dear Tom,

    I have given select access on sys.all_objects and deny select access on sys.syscolumns and sys.sql_modules for the user ,Now that user can able to get SP names but not...

  • RE: Why the TUF file will not create?

    Thank you Mr.Opc,

    I have to do test then let you know if i get struck.

    Once again thanking you...

  • RE: Why the TUF file will not create?

    Thank OPC,

    It's cleared for me.

    Can we change the TUF file path after configuring the Logshipping....



  • RE: TUF File Path....

    Beatrix Kiddo (9/3/2014)

    According to your screenshots it should go into D:\LogShip\Backups\HIPUAE\Secondary, no?

    Yes Mr.Kiddo,

    It should go into D:\LogShip\Backups\HIPUAE\Secondary but it is there in the path D:\Jagadeesh\SQLDATA\HIPUAE_Secondary.

    it is the DATA folder for...

  • RE: Set database in single user mode - broke connection

    If you know the database id ,Instead of giving dbid<>0 just give your database ID then check it will display all the details.....



Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 110 total)