Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 31 through 40 (of 40 total)

  • RE: How to setup linked server?

    Hi Sameer,

    I am getting following error:

    OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "XXXXX" returned message "Communication link failure". Msg 10054, Level 16, State 1, Line 0 TCP...

  • RE: Connect local MS SQL 2005 Enterprise on Windows XP Professional


    Thanks for trying to help. I had installed MS SQL 2005 Enterprise on my Windows XP Professional laptop. I am able to connect to other remote servers. However, I could...

  • RE: openquery

    I tried to re-use exisiting stored procedure which does all linking process. However, the exisiting sp does drop, drop login, re-link, and finally trying add a record into linked server's tmp...

  • RE: Linked Server

    Thanks for the tip..

  • RE: Northwind or pubs

    Hi Markus,

    Thanks for the extra tip. Happy hoiday!


  • RE: Northwind or pubs

    Thanks guys. I did attach both Pubs and Northwind into SQL 2005.


  • RE: Add column to table in stored procedure


    I believe I resolve the problem. SQL Server expects all columns (as well as other objects) exist when the sp gets compiled. Compiling error due to the columns don't exists...

  • RE: Add column to table in stored procedure

    Thanks for help.

    The table:

    CREATE TABLE SOP_stgDataConversionBudgetRevenueSellIn (

           Column1       varchar(18)   NULL,

           Column2              varchar(40)   NULL,

           Column3  smallint      NULL,

           Column4        varchar(5)    NULL,

           Column5               decimal(17,3) NULL,

           Column6              money         NULL




  • RE: BCP problem

    Hi Phill,

    It must have a reason in order to work. So if I understand correctly, it works because -t and -r/n are part of default. But why it didn't work when...

  • RE: BCP problem

    H David,

    Thanks for the help. I tried:

    bcp DATABASENAME.dbo.TABLENAME out XXXX.txt -c -t\t -r\n -S %SqlServer% -T || SET ErrMsg=BCP out of XXXX failed. && Goto :EndErr

Viewing 10 posts - 31 through 40 (of 40 total)