Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 26 total)

  • RE: Time difference in

    Thanks a ton Scott...

    Missed pasting the complete code...

    Below is the complete code

    update Attendance

    set workedhours =

    --convert(decimal(10,2),REPLACE(CONVERT(char(5),es_sign_out - es_sign_in,8),':','.'))

    convert(decimal(10,2),(rtrim(convert(char(5),datediff(ss,sign_in,sign_out) / 3600 )) + '.' +

    rtrim(convert(char(5),(datediff(ss,sign_in,sign_out) % 3600) / 60)) ))

    The answer...

  • RE: Time difference in

    Thanks Scott 🙂

    a composite decimal value whose whole part represents hours and whose fractional part represents minutes / 100?

    This is what i'm looking query which I posted...

  • RE: Time difference in

    Tried this query

    --begin tran

    --update Attendance

    --set workedhours = convert(decimal(10,2),REPLACE(CONVERT(char(5),sign_out - sign_in,8),':','.'))

    --where attendancedate = '04/03/09'

    --commit tran

    Can someone validate and tell me whether I'm wrong, SSHR took a leaf from your query.

  • RE: Time difference in

    Scott Coleman (7/15/2009)


    SET @In = '2009-07-13 7:53:00 AM'

    SET @Out = '2009-07-13 4:04:45 PM'

    -- Full hours and minutes (no rounding)

    SET @Span = @Out - @In


  • RE: Time difference in

    Hi SSCrazy,


    CAST(CAST(sign_out - sign_in AS FLOAT) * 24 AS dec(10,2)) wrkdhrs

    from Attendance

    where es_attendancedate = '04/03/09'

    gives an o/p at 11.72 which should be 12.12 hrs.

    Wud try implementing the other choices...

  • RE: Time difference in

    To make things for better understanding, find below the table structure which I have created....

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Attendance_Summary](

    [EmployeeNo] [int] NULL,

    [AttendanceDate] [datetime] NULL,

    [Sign_In] [datetime] NULL,

    [Sign_Out] [datetime] NULL,

    [WorkedHours] [decimal](10, 2) NULL,

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


  • RE: Transaction log

    Thanks Alan! The reason for multiple ldf's was done by previous DBA, who created multiple ldf when complained of log getting filled.

    Atleast to make life easier henceforth, thought to set...

  • RE: User Defined Function

    Thanks Ganesh & Sergiy,  thought of a workaround, so that i passed the date too as a parameter, but until today never knew that UDF cannot house getdate().

    One thing learnt...

  • RE: ADO Connection

    I was using the begin tran for a select statement rather than the update statement, but fought tough to spot it out.  Modified...and used it at the right portion and...

  • RE: ADO Connection

    oh buddy Bob, forgot to tell u that tried that first, still getting the same error message...


  • RE: Finding Sum of different column...


    We are capturing day by day hours and not the total hours hence is the columns repeating for let me know if i'm right.


  • RE: ADO Connection

    and u r right graham, i missed out the rs.movenext.  I have done that and it worked.

    Thanks again.


  • RE: Triggering input into another table...

    Hit on the bull's eye, that is what is wanted...

    Chris, just started working on sql and when would i provide solution for others like this.

    3 Cheers


  • RE: copying table

    That worked, but didn't work for the pubs.authors and it worked when i created a table of my own (testing with 2 fields).

    Thanks all hope i stop my doubts for 2day...catch...

  • RE: copying table

    Thanks a ton Ray, the first one worked like a bub.

    But i faltered in trying the second option...created the table sales_copy (copy of sales in pubs database)

    here is the sql...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 26 total)