Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 45 total)

  • RE: Can't add permissions to table

    I will run the utility and let you know -- not enough time right at the moment.

  • RE: Can't add permissions to table

    @Brandie -- it was so long ago I can't remember what I did (a couple of years ago). I think I probably did uninstall it. Maybe I will give it...

  • RE: Can't add permissions to table

    I don't think it's the install -- then Management Studio would not have worked from the beginning. Instead it gradually got buggier and buggier until it would crash as soon...

  • RE: Can't add permissions to table

    Oh believe me, I did. Multiple times. It still didn't work. It could be that it's not Management Studio but some weirdness in the registry, or something like that. Something...

  • RE: Can't add permissions to table

    Well, I can't use Management Studio because it's corrupt (that's why we went to Toad).

    But anyway, I changed the name of the table to MessageArchive, and lo and behold, the...

  • RE: Very slow SP, very quick query

    Oh, you are right! How totally strange!

    When I do what was suggested -- copying the parameters to local variables and using the local variables in the select statement -- the...

  • RE: How to Reinstall Business Management Studio

    Thanks Wayne -- but just to make sure, after deinstalling the Management Tools, how do I reinstall only the Management Tools? Will it automatically install ONLY the components that...

  • RE: Error in differential backups

    Lynn -- No, the only person with access is me.

  • RE: Error in differential backups

    Francis --

    It is a "test box" rather than the production server -- but it is in fact my personal computer running Windows XP, to which no one else has access...

  • RE: Error in differential backups

    Thanks, fhanlon, now we are getting somewhere! I added that to the job, and ran it, and here's the contents of the output file:


    Job 'MandatesDailyBack' : Step 1, 'Differential...

  • RE: Error in differential backups

    fhanlon --

    I use SQL Agent to set up a job to do full backups once a week, and daily differential backups once a day. However, in setting up the jobs,...

  • RE: Error in differential backups

    Yes, I did check the SQL Server logs -- that's where I first found the error. And yes, I am using the native backup tool, not a third-party tool.

    FYI, here's...

  • RE: Error in differential backups

    Yes -- it says exactly the same thing, that I should check the backup application log.

  • RE: ReportServerTempDB_log size

    OK, I think I am set. I changed both Report Server DBs (regular and Temp) to simple recovery, and added a job to do a full backup on the ReportServerTempDB...

  • RE: ReportServerTempDB_log size

    Thanks Jeffrey. I have changed it to simple recovery.

    It's interesting, because I have never backed up the ReportServerTempDB database. Since it had "Temp" in the name, I assumed it was...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 45 total)