Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 16 through 25 (of 25 total)

  • RE: Export tables to MySQL

    Do I have to create a linked server?

    Even if I want to use the SSIS I have to do it?

    I really thought Microsoft considered this scenario.

    Lucas DBA

  • RE: How to Create and Start SQL Server Trace Automatically


    I want to profile and write to a table.

    But in the script generated by the profiler, in the export funcionality, the following code is written:

    -- Writing to a table...

  • RE: Problem in uploading excel data to SQL Server using SSIS

    Thanks l0n3i200n

    Changing the register was the only thing that solved my problem.

    I used the value F (which means 15)

    DBA Cabuloso

  • RE: MAX

    This one was easier than to chew water!

  • RE: Row level read-lock in SQL Server 2005

    This should do:



    SELECT * FROM Categories with (ROWLOCK) WHERE CategoryID = 1


    Anyone trying to select this row will wait your transaction finish. Select *...

  • RE: one character of data

    The question is about the space allocated to a variable like

    DECLARE @onechar as varchar(1)

    DECLARE @onechar as char(1)

    not to a table.

    And the space allocated to both is equal.

    Pay attention to the...

  • RE: track the growth of SQL Database..

    Nice job.

    But in 2005 and 2008 you could do it using CTE (Common table Expressions) instead of dierived tables, because the script costs much time if there is a great...

  • RE: Tracking and Reporting Database Growth

    The first script is incorrect therefore should be corrected.

    The name of the table in the CREATE id dbInformation and in the ALTER is dbInfo.

    Please correct it.

    Lucas Benevides

    DBA Cabuloso

  • RE: Transaction Logs

    I disagree

    The question was:

    The size of the transaction log files are physically reduced when

    Physically reduced to me refers to the size of the file to the O.S. Then...

  • RE: Database compatibility change 80 to 90


    I have just tested in the following way:

    a) Created a new database in SQL Server 2005 and in the "Compatibility level" I chose 80.

    b) Created a new table in this...

Viewing 10 posts - 16 through 25 (of 25 total)