Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 256 through 270 (of 275 total)

  • RE: How to copy a database?

    What errors/problems did you have?

    The following will do what you want:

    Back up the database and restore it with the new name

    Detach the database, copy and rename the files and...

  • RE: CDC - Change Data Capture of SQL Server 2008

    I went on a 2008 launch event and they were pushing CDC as an auditing feature. I thought it was more for capturing intermediate changes to data for data...


    If you only have a full backup you can only restore to that full backup. So if your database dies towards the end of the day you can only...

  • RE: Disaster Recovery

    Here's some of the processes we went throught to produce a DR plan :

    Work out what systems need to be available in the event of a disaster and in which...

  • RE: HP PolyServe Software for MS Sql Server

    I for one would be interested in your thoughts on this technology after you've had your meeting. We are looking into consolidation as well but haven't got as far...

  • RE: 70-443... a grinder!

    I passed the 70-443 exam first time but was worried about doing it. I think the time per question is about right but I would say read the question,...

  • RE: mirroring

    From SP1 onwards you don't need to set the trace flag to enable mirroring. The ports are are the endpoints defined on each server.

  • RE: Backup failed

    Have you looked at the logs? Do they have any more information? If you haven't looked, have a look at the job history (right-click the job under SQL...

  • RE: transfer sql query output to text file

    In Query Analyzer/SQL Management Studio you can output the results directly to a file (Query menu).

  • RE: Same SQL on multiple databases.

    You could use a cursor and while loop as in the following example to avoid the extra table you have with the list of table names in it:


  • RE: T-SQL query runs slower for particular user accounts

    Where's the query?

  • RE: Keeping Backups leveled off.

    Sounds like you didn't select the Maintenance Cleanup Task when using the wizard. This task will delete the files of the disk after a specified amount of time. ...

  • RE: Error Handling

    Some errors immediately get passed out of the code block to the calling procedure/application (they don't get caught by the catch at the same level as the code block). ...

  • RE: Mount points with SQL Server 2005 clustering

    We had no problems on a cluster with using mount points but we found monitoring disk space was a problem. We have a drive letter for a small disk...

  • RE: convert in TSQL

    You can try cast. This example will transform a varchar to an int:

    create view text_vw (itm, sile, eqty)

    as ...

Viewing 15 posts - 256 through 270 (of 275 total)