Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)

  • RE: File Size Issues

    Yes thanks for this.

  • RE: File Size Issues

    I've taken a look at the fragmentation using sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats, and the top 50 are between 87% to 75% fragmented. It looks like the maintenance plan just re-indexes everything. Like you...

  • RE: File Size Issues

    I have discovered a what is causing my problem. There is a weekly task which runs through checking database integrity, shrink database, reorganise index, rebuild index, update statistics, clean up...

  • RE: File Size Issues

    I ran everything again just to make sure there wasn't a transaction log running an low and behold the file has shrunk.

    Many thanks.


  • RE: File Size Issues

    OK opened databases node and right clicked on database selected Tasks|Shrink|Files to open the shrink dialogue. Have tried Release unused space and Shrink file to but the file has remained...

  • RE: File Size Issues

    OK I've got it if you set the database to full recovery and don't do any transaction log backups the .ldf file just keeps growing until failure. When you do...

  • RE: File Size Issues

    OK in the test environment with the smallest database of the group attached is the contents of the device.

    As this was the test database I generated some transactions before 3:17...

  • RE: File Size Issues

    I've tested this already in our training environment which is why I use a backup device. Rather than doing each transaction separately I can roll back the database by...

  • RE: File Size Issues

    John Mitchell (5/12/2008)

    MD (5/12/2008)

    Agree with Steve, collecting 2G of changes in 20 minutes is a heck of a throughput. What I suspect is that your log file size is...

  • RE: File Size Issues

    My problem is that the transaction backups are filling up the backup device with 2GB every 20 minutes. I read that changing the verbose settings of the transaction log might...

  • RE: The transaction log is full

    Would it be possible to build this into a maintenance plan using the precedence constraint expression?


  • RE: Urgent help required

    Having queried this I can see that the log_reuse_wait_desc says "LOG_BACKUP". What does this mean?

    Edit: The log_reuse_wait = 2

  • RE: Urgent help required

    I have now resolved the issue by taking the databases off-line and forcing the log file to shrink to 2GB. I found that the log file was set to 10%...

  • RE: Backup Plan

    It might not be what you are looking for but I backup to a device using three separate Maintenance plans. The first performs a full backup overnight. The second performs...

  • RE: Training Database Restore

    Yes this is exactly what I am doing and your resolution is what I thought but I wanted to know for sure that my assumptions were correct. Thanks for the...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)