Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 726 total)

  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    Peter Larsson (11/6/2007)

    That's 381.25 billion records in the table with an insert rate of 5800 records per second.

    In case someone tries to imagine the horror of running queries against hundreds...

  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    Jeff Moden (11/6/2007)

    Come on, David... you just got done complaining about all of the extra terabytes of space it takes for covering indexes, yet you have the room for "careful...

  • RE: Story about the Primary Key & Foreign Key

    I think I see the confusion. That article isn't a highly specific article about the objects called "documenting keys", it's a very broad article about migrating from one version of...

  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    By the way, this back and forth over the use of "Over()" is kind of silly, when there are a ton of things I like about SQL Server 2005, that...

  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    Jeff Moden (11/6/2007)

    Yup... and what's really great about it is that the managers that used to wait hours for reports can now get them in just a couple of minutes.[/QUOTE]


  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    Jeff Moden (11/5/2007)

    Because, in the presence of the index, which is also a part of T-SQL and optimization, the Inner Join is more than twice as fast as the Over....

  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    Sergiy (11/5/2007)

    Proven a liar.

    At least.

    That's pretty funny. Not even close to true, but funny.

    Um, in case you're not aware, the two statements say basically the same thing. If by "liar",...

  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    Sergiy (11/5/2007)

    David, what did you prove?[/QUOTE]

    That you were wrong. No big deal, as I've done it before, and I'll do it again (based on your "maths" skills, probably sooner rather...

  • RE: Story about the Primary Key & Foreign Key

    Why don't you link to the article so we can see what it is you are talking about?

    "Document key" being comprised of a pk and fk sounds either like something...

  • RE: difference between *= and Left outer join

    While they appear to do the same thing on the surface, they are two completely different beasts, and it could take pages to outline every single nuance. They don't even...

  • RE: Difference between Work Tables and TempTables

    Keep in mind that while Carl's answers are correct, both terms are used in ambiguous manners quite frequently in the SQL world, especially "work table".

    I've seen people refer to tables...

  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    I was away for a while, but finally had a chance to log on, so time to clear up some misconceptions that seem to be out there.

    Jeff Moden (10/22/2007)[

    Ya know......

  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    Sergiy (10/22/2007)

    You are the one who pointed that it was Clustered Index Scan, not Table Scan as I said.[/QUOTE]

    No, I pointed out that it was one, 1, uno, einz, a...

  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    Jeff Moden (10/22/2007)Funny thing, though... to me (I could be wrong), if you want shear speed without much thought about tuning, it looks like the Inner Join is the winner...

  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    Sergiy (10/22/2007)


    I want to know you version of the difference between table scan and clustered index scan.

    Very interesting.

    What would you like to know? If you would like some help on...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 726 total)