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Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 726 total)

  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    Sergiy (10/22/2007)

    CustomerID unlikely to be used for ordering records in any report.

    It's some internal ID nobody cares about.

    In real life you need to sort by CustomerLastName (which is in another...

  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    Sergiy (10/22/2007)

    Do you know the difference between table scan and clustered index scan?

    Sure do (you really don't want to go here, but feel free to continue). Do you know the...

  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    Sergiy (10/22/2007)

    And for clean test you need to try to reverse order of tests.

    With no index in place Server supposes to create statistics on those columns during 1st query and...

  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    Sergiy (10/22/2007)


    can you please post those identical execution plans?



    Inner Join

    StmtText ...

  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    Sergiy (10/22/2007)


    Another false statement from you:


    --===== Add an index to the CustomerID/TotalDue columns just for grins

    --===== Removed the TotalDue from the index, since it quite frankly wouldn't be there...

  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    I forgot to mention, the above two queries have identical actual execution plans. 🙂

  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    Way too much pontificating about things, and way too little testing (I know, not everyone has the environment to test, but I'd personally be sure before I made bold claims...

  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    Jeff Moden (10/21/2007)

    That would be the last bit of code I posted... David, did you run the first code (select to screen) or the last code (insert into temp table)?...

  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    Jeff Moden (10/21/2007)

    Lowell, here's the code, one more time... would you and David please do the honors? Thanks, guys...

    I simply added the line for the starttime to the original...

  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    Jeff Moden (10/21/2007)

    Haven't "studied" the code... what do you mean by "Find the missing subtrahend"... like I said, I don't have 2k5 so I can't run a comparison test on...

  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    Jeff Moden (10/21/2007)

    My question was based on Serqiy's post saying that you didn't have a background in Math. It was an out of place question and I shouldn't have...

  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    Here are the results of the first script provided on my testbed machine when it's not doing anything else:

    Creating test table...

    (1000000 row(s) affected)

    00:00:11:250 Duration (hh:mi:ss:mmm)


    INNER JOIN method...

    (1000000 row(s) affected)

    00:00:30:780 Duration...

  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    Jeff Moden (10/20/2007)

    Heh... HOT DAMN! One performance test coming right up... somebody run the following in 2k5 'cause I still don't have it yet... I removed the ORDER...

  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    Jeff Moden (10/20/2007)


    You know I'm dying to ask... and please don't take it personal...

    Do you have a math background or not?

    Won't take it personal at all. 🙂

    It depends on...

  • RE: how to remove numbers from strings?

    Sergiy (10/20/2007)

    So what?

    I already told you what above. I'll repeat it again for you.

    David McFarland

    Even better, if the end user comes back and decides they want the aggregates broken down...

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 726 total)