Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 32 total)

  • RE: Is Big Data good for Data Professionals?

    I think the diversity of opinions on this thread show that "Big Data" is just another magic marketing word that means whatever you want:

    "Buy our server to support Big Data"


  • RE: Is Big Data good for Data Professionals?

    Ignore..... see next

  • RE: Is Big Data good for Data Professionals?

    "What data professionals have been trying to do for years." is exactly where the problem lies (imho). Way too masny IT departments trying to drive the ship instead of the...

  • RE: Is Big Data good for Data Professionals?

    Argh, just one more new marketing term conjured up to convince us, and business leaders, to buy something.

    Yet another term for something that already exists and has existed for...

  • RE: Showing Its Age

    We have a number of legacy apps and hardware going on 9 yrs. and still doing exactly what they are supposed to.

    That said we are in a round of...

  • RE: Date and time Display

    But that does not give him the Text String he wanted.

  • RE: How to add new tables to Transactional Replication.

    Nice answer from SQL-Quest.

    We script ALL of our replication and NEVER use the interface.

    It allows us to break-down are rebuild all of our replication publications and subscriptions very very...

  • RE: Use of a VARCHAR(MAX) in a Non-Clustered Index?

    I really think that it is appropriate to understand what the developer is trying to acomplish.

    Understanding the use-case will point you in the correct direction and allow you to...

  • RE: Date and time Display

    To get exactly what you want you need to perform a cast twice.

    Here is a little test for you.

    DECLARE @total_seconds INT

    SET @total_seconds = 20700

    SELECT CAST( CAST((@total_seconds/3600.00) AS MONEY) AS VARCHAR(50))...

  • RE: Experience with NetApp

    Have not used NetApp, but have used other similar NAS/SAN solutions.

    The key for EVERY SAN/NAS solution is in the planning and budgeting.

    The NetApp is NOT an inexpensive solution,...

  • RE: Experience with NetApp

    Not sure what you mean. Are you talking about having the SQL Server running on a server accessing the database stored on a NAS?

  • RE: Untouched Data

    So true... At least with SOX the minimums are well defined for some component of the data, but I have heard "forever" too many times.

    In fact we have it...

  • RE: Untouched Data

    Power and cooling are a real concern. I have seen this as well, but I am unsure that storage is the culprit without real testing as most of the newer...

  • RE: Untouched Data

    I would not normally dignify this with a response, but I never attacked you in anyway, I mererly pointed out that there was still a legal requirement for private companies...

  • RE: Untouched Data

    Bingo.. you nailed it.. In most cases the falling cost and growong capability of storage will outpace the accumulation of data, and with SAS and FAS the ability to grow...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 32 total)