Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 40 total)

  • RE: corruption of writing log buffer

    I don't have a solution (still looking), but I do have some advice. Before you start anything as drastic as database restores, try simply restarting the server. When...

  • RE: On Database Migrations and Agility

    Evil Kraig F (1/22/2012)

    Peter Schott (1/22/2012)

    So overrides were put in place in certain places, the cart was modified, etc etc. Eventually this cart proc became about 30 pages long,...

  • RE: On Database Migrations and Agility

    ganotedp (1/7/2012)

    The not-so-flattering Agile analogy (not invented by me) is like trying to build a house one-room-at-a-time (where software is the "fine carpentry and dry wall" and data structures are...

  • RE: Running as SysAdmin

    I know some people involved in one that might possibly win the award for the worst ever.

    The scene: development of an on-line pharmacy. Users would be entering personal...

  • RE: Most Work is Mundane

    As far as I can tell from my own experience, there is always a list of things about which we say, "you know, we could improve the [X] of [Y]...

  • RE: A Great Deal of Hot Air

    I am genuinely interested in the topic of energy efficiency in the IT industry and would love to hear (and contribute) ideas about a government's proper role, or lack of...

  • RE: A Great Deal of Hot Air

    Your points are well taken, although in some of the examples (e.g., military industrial complex) government ineffectiveness greatly contributed to the problem rather than offset it.

    But I think you missed...

  • RE: A Great Deal of Hot Air

    Thank you for bringing us back to the original topic.

    It is true that sometimes government is the only way to get something important, expensive, or highly unpleasant, done. For...

  • RE: Getting the Message

    Both points made so far--configuration complexity and lack of visibility--are valid.

    I think one thing that may help a lot would be to get a good blog or article, possibly on...

  • RE: Drop and recreate vs alter stored procedure

    homebrew01 (4/27/2010)

    Brandie Tarvin (4/27/2010)

    For the purposes of SDLC, Drop and Create gives you a date to which you can trace back changes that broke the proc, if something gets broken....

  • RE: Job inserts large volume of data can cause major issues.?

    In terms of "what could go wrong," besides being slow, I'd be worried about space in your transaction log. I can't tell from your description but if you're using...

  • RE: Which Stored Procedure changed

    Regarding the statement that you could see changes in the dates when you used CREATE, but not when you use ALTER, with the queries provided in this tread...

    What version of...

  • RE: In Praise of Barebones Applications

    I suppose I didn't make my point clear. Sure, if the quick prototype that's added value out there in production for three years suddenly breaks, then with a little...

  • RE: In Praise of Barebones Applications

    Phil is right on the mark.

    I've often championed Agile Development in response to the big, fat practices common to corporate IT. My only complaint about Phil's editorial is that it...

  • RE: SQL 2005 Default Trace

    This thread help me out today since I had the same problem as Matt.

    If it's any help to someone else, restarting the SQL Server instance was enough to...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 40 total)