Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 48 total)

  • RE: Bulk Export Best Practices

    Hmmm, David, here's how I run BCP:


    SET @SQL = 'BCP Work.dbo.tblAccount_Raw IN "C:\DataFiles\AccountFile129814978600644674.txt" -c -t"|" -F"2" -T'

    EXEC xp_cmdshell @SQL

    Am I missing something?


    SSIS would be the alternative and...

  • RE: Maintenance Plan Review

    Thanks, that is great to have. The SQL Server is at a co-lo but they are being very dodgy about the level of service--which is at the lowest level they...

  • RE: EXEC Insert Into woes...

    Hey, guys, the fun of flying is still there. Aeronca Chiefs are a bargain. If you do this kind of work, it should be accessible to you. Life is short:...

  • RE: Maintenance Plan Review

    Alas, no. I've been learning about Team Foundation Server, Workspaces, Solutions, Branches, and Projects. I was sitting here this morning feeling all twitchy about that an other administration tasks that...

  • RE: EXEC Insert Into woes...

    The first plane I 'owned' was technically a 1/5 share in an Aeronca Champ. There is still a very soft spot in my heart for Aeroncas--even if the cars on...

  • RE: EXEC Insert Into woes...

    The Bücker is a load of fun. There is pretty much nothing practical you can do in it: it sucks for transportation (2 hrs of fuel max, little cross wind...

  • RE: EXEC Insert Into woes...

    And we have a winner!!!! 8kb is scoring high on the psychic developer scale.

    It appears that the problem was due to the procedure being called in the exec into,...

  • RE: EXEC Insert Into woes...

    Thanks, guys.

    And first to the important stuff: sturner... Does this mean you are trying to slow down or that you are trying to see what's in front of you?...

  • RE: Maintenance Plan Review

    An excellent term, accidental dba. An accident for me but not a surprise. There is no one on this team that I can functionally discuss the difference between a database...

  • RE: Maintenance Plan Review

    Ah, yes, the imperfect world thing. No where on my resume do I call myself a DBA, I market only as a SQL Server TSQL Developer, and it was a...

  • RE: Maintenance Plan Review

    Yes, of course this Dynamic SQL is just garbage. Joins (unfiltered) 5 tables and a view and then adds in two cross applys to the output. All that is part...

  • RE: Maintenance Plan Review

    Thanks for the filters. I had the columns I wanted in the trace but needed to restrict it. Initially running it drug down the server to the point of having...

  • RE: Maintenance Plan Review

    SQL Error log. Just setting up Profiler.

  • RE: Maintenance Plan Review

    Ah, that was a great way to start the morning. Thanks, Ken.

    It's a small, small company and everyone who works here regularly (unlike me, the glorious contractor!) is highly...

  • RE: Maintenance Plan Review


    Thanks! I had to explain why I was laughing to my husband when I was reading this.

    When I tried to add transaction log backups to the maintenance plan...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 48 total)