Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

  • RE: Daily Tracking

    Do a search for "Hipster PDA" - total simplification of to do lists...

  • RE: DTS get servername

    That's why I said my opinion on getting the server identification was based on "lots and lots" of research. There ain't no other way to do it. The...

  • RE: DTS get servername

    Naw. If you've already got an accepted ActiveX script task or Dynamic Properties task to set the server properties, that's pretty much the "best practice" for doing it. ...

  • RE: DTS get servername

    I don't have SQL Server running right here/now, but was trying to deal with the same situation; in short, there is a need for the concept of having a global/system...

  • RE: xml from stored procedure into temp table

    If proc B receives the return from proc A as an XML string, how about (you'll need to adjust for the what your XML looks like):

    SELECT @xmlString = EXEC A...

  • RE: xml dom in t-sql

    I've just recently used sp_xml_preparedocument for the first time to do this kind of thing, so maybe I'm off base. After the sp_xml proc the XML looks like a...

  • RE: Saving a DTS pakage to MetaData Services

    Go up to the Data Transformation Services node in the console tree (the parent of Local Packages), right-click, select Properties, and select "Enable Save To Meta Data Services"

  • RE: Loop with dinamic connection

    I always set both the objConnection.DataSource *and* the objConnection.ConnectionProperties("DataSource").Value

  • RE: Drop Out Or Graduate?

    Even though the only programming languages taught when I was in school were COBOL, FORTRAN, C and Assembler, college taught me to *think* like a programmer, especially C and Assembler;...

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)