Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 73 total)

  • RE: Assigning processors


    We use simular server as you describe but I never heard the highest CPU number is used for the OS....

    SQL uses the assigned memory very flexable.

    On dedicated servers we use...

  • RE: Job performance


    The first thing what comes in mind is your serverload (what is running on the same time (jobs, backups, SUS, Virus scanning, etc.). Try to find out what is happening.


  • RE: Logins

    To share some knowledge;

    (taken from nij own notes)

    Hopes this helps you guys...

    Guus Kramer,

    The Netherlands


    Move orphaned users from server A to B

    1. Run...
  • RE: Free Memory


    If you want to know what and how inside SQLserver search BOL (2004) for "Monitoring Memory Usage".

    if you want to know about system behaviour I can recommend SPOTLIGHT on SQLserver...

  • RE: Question for SQL Master -- max mean-caller

    use the KISS principle;

    Why not use; select TOP 1.... / order by Calldate ?


  • RE: Logins


    Brief answer on your question:

    When restoring ( overwrite ) a database all excisting logins will be disconnected from the security-logins  to the database ( before the actual overwrite). The backup mechanism...

  • RE: Setting up the MOM database


    ... it makes absolutely no sense

    I totally agree on this...Sometimes I do not understand the Microsoft way !!!

    We installed it and default the Db was set to 4 GB and...

  • RE: Triggers and ASP pages


    Eventualy it seems to be a permission problem.

    Its was not the Windows authentication neither the IIS operant authentication but the SQL user and password using the FORM settings (...

  • RE: Logins


    You probably dealing with orphaned users which popup after a restore of you database.

    There are serveral way of how to solve this;

    Manualy - delete them from the database user list and reconnect...

  • RE: SP_executeSQL Question


    I know the purpose and use of sp_execute SQL but.... question is why this mechanisme is that slow comparing to a 'normal' parse through SQL Analyzer.....

    ....What does it do???....

    ....I know for...

  • RE: Which Object(s) Containting in a Specific Page On SQL.

    for all who are interested.... see page 248 and up.

    Thanks Frank...


  • RE: Which Object(s) Containting in a Specific Page On SQL.


    Something new is something to investigate....

    selecting some IOlatches  (select * from sysprocesses) and using these waitresource numbers for executing

    dbcc traceon(3604)

    dbcc page(9,1,15805,1)

    gave a lot of results but can anyone tell me...

  • RE: xp_cmdshell & ODBC WrapperRead() error...


    It seems to be either an old MDAC or a security problem ( is the user granted to execute xp_cmdshell and does he have privs to access the files )....

  • RE: Drop Extended Stored Procedure

    Assume restarting 50 production SQL servers to update a Extended Stored procedure. That's the main reason i cannot restart the SQL server.

    Once in a while you have to...

  • RE: Remote SQL Server Administration

    I agree with Phil and bljblj.

    Use a VPN connection and (A)DSL / UMTS and take over you client on the office.

    I work like this for some years now and this saves...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 73 total)