Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

  • RE: Answering to the Business

    My last employer had this kind of system in place and, after three years in operation, it turned into a similar kind of situation that we see can see with...

  • RE: Encrypting SQL Code

    I've seen encryption implemented on a number of stored procedures at places I've worked in the past, but this has rarely ever stopped an intrepid client from trying to edit...

  • RE: Should I Buy a Kindle?

    The Kindle has never struck me as a well designed or even a remotely good-looking machine, so I would never buy one myself.

    That said, I've been reading eBooks for years...

  • RE: Data At Home

    I can't really justify the amount of space I have at home by saying "I develop on several platforms", but I do love storage.  I also enjoy a rather large...

  • RE: Home Sweet Home

    I grew up near Niagara Falls, went to school in Toronto, then moved to Vancouver, BC.  I've been here for five years and met some great people, but this is...

  • RE: Query running slow from workstation

    If you're using ODBC to connect from the workstation, you might want to check this out:

  • RE: Need a function to convert duration to any meaningful time measurement

    I'm sure there's a better way ... but here's one solution:

    CREATE FUNCTION fn_GetSeconds(@hhmmss int)

    RETURNS int



    DECLARE @j-2 varchar(6)

    SET @j-2 = right('000000' + cast(@hhmmss as varchar(6)), 6)

    RETURN substring(@j, 1, 2)...

  • RE: help!!!!!!!!getting time out expired"

    I wouldn't be so quick to judge this on poor equipment or queries.  While it may very well be the case, there are many times data needs to be aggregated...

  • RE: A Tool I Need

    Two cameras?  That thing looks thicker than a PSP and uglier than a Crackberry

    Before purchasing my RAZR several months ago I was looking...

  • RE: Detailed Test Poll

    "Testing in Production" here, too.  We're always told "it doesn't matter how ugly it is.  'Good Enough' is good enough."

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)