Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)

  • RE: Query now runs forever

    No comment on the query, but have you tried changing isolation level? Read committed snapshot may solve the issue for you, with appropriate testing.

  • RE: behaviour of isolation level snapshot on partitioned tables and views

    have a look at read committed snapshot isolation (RCSI), it might be what you're looking for, a bit less onerous than full snapshot isolation. Queries that run for hours sound...

  • RE: ORDER BY, Bad form?

    The elephant in the room is the failure to meet first normal form. Being fancy with ordinals or order by case statements is beside the point.

  • RE: ORDER BY, Bad form?

    SELECT sd.ID,




    FROM @SampleData sd


    SELECT category,

    CASE WHEN category % 7 = 0 THEN 'A'

    WHEN category % 3 = 0 THEN 'B'

    ELSE 'C'

    END AS experiment

    FROM @SampleData

    ) ce

    ON sd.category = ce.category

    ORDER BY ce.experiment,...

  • RE: How to tell if instance is MSDN licenced or not

    The way to think of licensing, especially if you've been through a few audits, is that licensing is paper based. Licensing is not handled by the SQL Dev team, it's...

  • RE: SQL Server Audit Level

    Sorry to dig up an old thread, but this thread was returned by Google when I was looking at getting the same information, and I have something to add to...

  • RE: clustered vs Non clustered index scan


  • RE: clustered vs Non clustered index scan

    As stated before, if you could get rid of the leading % it may be able to do a seek on the non-clustered index idx_nonClus_pca_work3. If you can INCLUDE the...

  • RE: Mathematical Theory (controversy!)

    remember that the ... (repeating) means repeat for infinity, so it impossible to find the value between 0.999... and 1. Unless we use another notation, does 0.000...1 + 0.999... =...

  • RE: Mathematical Theory (controversy!)

    robert.williams 82816 (6/7/2011)

    1.111... is also equal to 1.

    No, because 1.01 and 1.011 and 1.001 (you get the idea) can be placed between 1.111... and 1

  • RE: Mathematical Theory (controversy!)

    Barry Mazur explains the concept of why 0.999... = 1 in his book Imagining Numbers: (particularly the square root of minus fifteen). If you had to place 0.999... and 1...

  • RE: Rebuilding index seems not to do anything????

    A page count of 48 is too small to worry about. From my own testing small indexes don't appear to defragment that well, or it could be that with small...

  • RE: Rebuilding index seems not to do anything????

    Rebuilding a unique clustered index: This is the same as SQL Server 2000 - the cluster keys aren't changing and so the non-clustered indexes are not rebuilt.

    Rebuilding a non-unique clustered...

  • RE: Rebuilding index seems not to do anything????

    Also try running dm_db_index_physical_stats with the detailed mode, it takes longer but is a more accurate way of verifying your reindex script.

    sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (DEFAULT, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'DETAILED')

    To agree and expand...

  • RE: Migrate Server 2008 R2 from VM to physical

    Hi devin,

    I wouldn't script out sa, it's the only account I wouldn't script out, only because I've never tried it. Regarding the AD accounts, I would script them out and...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)