Forum Replies Created

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

  • RE: Date Question

    Sorry my question could be better - I was thinking that I should be getting the minutes from 1/1/1900 not just midnight. For some reason my brain totally glossed over.

  • RE: Comparison with other db's

    Sue_H - Wednesday, August 23, 2017 4:55 PM

    Jason Toews - Wednesday, August 23, 2017 2:12 PM

    August 23, 2017 at 8:45 pm


  • RE: Trying to get better

    Chris Harshman - Friday, August 18, 2017 10:25 AM

    You can get SQL Server Developer Edition for free by signing up at the...

  • RE: Did Oracle buy MySQL by accident?


    Look what Oracle did with Virtual Iron...they wanted some code out of it, and then throw away the corpse. This very well could be the case with MySql. I'm not...

  • RE: Sending emails


    My .02 cents...if your running Exchange server, have your admin check the size (Exchange System Manager > Global Settings > Message Delivery Properties > Default tab)...

    If that isn't the culprit,...

  • RE: free sql video tutorial

    To get a firm grip on the basics (and for a great price) check out

    It has couple free videos but if you subscribe for a 3...

  • RE: Image is Everything

    Copeland, what else does the box say???

  • RE: Image is Everything

    Well I think this was a great forum topic...

    I think inquiring about dress code before accepting a job postition is a good idea, different jobs have different requirements, with...

  • RE: Image is Everything

    gcopeland (1/9/2009)

    I am probably the HR guy that Steve mentioned in his article. I could write a book on this subject, but I will try to keep it short....

  • RE: Image is Everything

    I think that when meeting with clients it's good practice to dress well, or when you are a public representative of the company.

    With that being said I think lots of...

  • RE: Creative SPAM

    Well it's been months since I got a spam msg, our management was getting hammered with spam, almost to the point of not wanting to check email. I didn't want...

  • RE: Crystal error 515 on Great Plains report

    Hi, is there more to the error msg? If so, can you post the entire error?

  • RE: The Inmates in Charge

    I feel that IT people should have full responsibility of making sure the hardware is working and that the software is fully patched and functional.

    The end user should be...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 10 May 2007

    If the server is doing a lot of writes, then using 6 drives configured as a raid 10 will get you speed, and allow some drives to fail. And if...

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)