Forum Replies Created

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

  • RE: Security Regulations

    And yet, still, I would prefer a voluntary system that uses peer pressure and customer demands to involuntary regulations. I would much rather say "pound salt" because I can.


  • RE: Security Regulations

    I'll gladly concede that commercial vendors would be inclined to push the free offerings out of the market. That is what they're there for. Any time you get...

  • RE: Security Regulations

    I much prefer a voluntary, industry-sponsored approach. If you want to play with the big boys, here are the rules.....

    The trouble with govt. regulations, even voluntary guidelines, is that they...

  • RE: Security Regulations


    In PA, you may not drive your car on our roads unless you pass an inspection. Many other states are the same. (And if you drive a car into...

  • RE: Security Regulations

    Well, I had to look up WCAG...

    But yes, something like that would be a good start, I think. A couple of 'bots, one on the outside of a network,...

  • RE: Security Regulations

    What's wrong with a private group offering low-cost or free "certification" of a site. When I was in industry, ISO 9000 was the big thing, and companies jumped to...

  • RE: Balancing the Message

    First, the ads in the daily emails are fine with me. That's how I found out about SQL Prompt, and bought it. (No, I'm not affiliated with them...

  • RE: All-in-one

    I like the idea of several smaller tools for those that use them extensively. As a developer who fell into the dba role, I'm quite happy having two tools...

  • RE: The Core

    The first skill is knowing how to find the solution to a problem that is not readily solved. Anyone can do their day-to-day job. It's when the job...

  • RE: Dog Food

    Funny you should mention it. My boss and I are discussing roll-outs and the best way to get it done.

    We don't eat our own dog food. We develop software...

  • RE: Vista

    I like the user interface, and UAC doesn't bother me much (as a user). On the other hand, it can't seem to ever remember that I disabled the built-in...

  • RE: Small Management

    I've done it, but I didn't like it. Using a Samsung i730 with big fingers means using the stylus a lot, but it can be done. As mentioned...

  • RE: Portability

    I think... It depends. Are you making the back-end portable or the front-end? Or both? Are you a Windows-only shop or mixed environment? What are...

  • RE: Double-Take

    I'm just not going to give out information to get information that should be free. If you want me to look at something, give me the information to review it...

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)