Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 26 total)

  • RE: String Manipulation/Character Removal

    Thank you all for helping me out! This was a huge timesaver. I ended up using Sean's code, but I tested David's and that would have worked as well.

  • RE: String Manipulation/Character Removal

    Once you remove the IA_, use CHARINDEX to find the next unserscore, subtract 1 from that position and that will give you the length of the substring you must use.


  • RE: Roll Your Own Fuzzy Match / Grouping (Jaro Winkler) - T-SQL

    We did this very same "string distance" matching algorithms 3-4 years ago at a place I worked. It works great for small datasets, but SSIS fuzzy matching is much faster...

  • RE: Pass Variable to Precendant Constraint

    I finally was able to resolve this issue.

    Turns out that somehow 2 variables of the same name got created. When I looked at the variables though, it did not...

  • RE: Pass Variable to Precendant Constraint

    John Rowan (5/1/2009)

    I have a package that does the exact same thing. Here's how it is set up:

    1. Package does some import stuff.

    2. Execute SQL Task checks table row...

  • RE: Pass Variable to Precendant Constraint

    No problem.

    Basically, I want to check if data is available in a table by doing "SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM Table_A". I want to pass the value of the count to...

  • RE: Pass Variable to Precendant Constraint

    Same results. The excutes SQL task runs successfully, but never changes the variable value.

  • RE: Pass Variable to Precendant Constraint

    I should have mentioned in my original post, I have my precedant contraint set as such:

    Evaluation operation = Expression and Constraint

    Value = Success

    Expression = @[User::CheckData] > 0

    Logical AND

  • RE: Handling NULLs with MERGE Function


    I thought the solution might be something similar to that. I had the first OR statement in my test code, but not the second OR statement. I ran the code...

  • RE: Formating Table Field in SSRS with Custom Code

    Thanks Jack.

    I am getting an error when I inject that code into the expression.

    =(Fields!AvgDailyTalkTime.Value\60*60).ToString("0#") & ":" & ((Fields!AvgDailyTalkTime.Value \ 60) - 60).ToString("0#") & ":" & (Fields!AvgDailyTalkTime.Value mod 60).ToString("0#")


  • RE: SQl Server 2005/2008

    I have this problem as well. I was studying for 2-3 months on SQL Server 2005 and then my company moved production environments to SQL Server 2008. Now I hear...

  • RE: Change John Smith to Smith, John

    Thanks everyone. Jack's solution looks like it is going to work for me.

    I don't have the ideal situation in that the field contains the full name of the employee...

  • RE: Get two pieces of data out of one column

    Looks like this is going to work out perfectly. On first pass through it looks like it caught all of the ID's and put them on seperate lines like I...

  • RE: Off IF...ELSE Behavior

    Excellent, worked exactly as I originally needed.

    Curious, I've never heard of spt_Values until now. What is it typically used for?

  • RE: Off IF...ELSE Behavior

    Thanks Jeff, you've helped me out a few times in the past couple of weeks. I really appreciate it.

    I like the idea of not using 12 IF's, but it...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 26 total)