Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)

  • RE: The September Energy Update

    At the bottom of the topic it said:

    'Reading This topic

    Active User: 0 (0 guests, 0 members, 0 anonymous members)

    No members currently viewing this topic.'

    A slight glitch here; I was logged...

  • RE: The September Energy Update

    It's called geothermal energy (which means ground heat, of course), and there are several sites that will give you information, such as this one.

  • RE: Free Training

    Steve, I am 100% with you on this one. I've worked for companies that didn't offer training because they thought it was only making the employee more attractive to other...

  • RE: Bad Breaches

    'Word data breeches' would have to include the tartan trews worn by our Scottish DBA. They are extremely unethical!

  • RE: Hard at Work

    For your poll, I work a 39 hour week, 8 to 5 on Monday to Thursday, with a half-hour lunch, and 8 to 1 on Friday, giving me Friday afternoon...

  • RE: Data Security

    Why should this be any worse than storing password data?

    'What if you could replace the CEO's retina signature with your own, view results, and then restore his signature?'


    'What if...

  • RE: IdentityDB

    So it won't be long before we see the almost identical (but scam) site where you can enter your credit card number etc and have your identity stolen - while...

  • RE: Snack Attack

    I used to work near a sandwich bar that did banana, cream cheese and honey sandwiches. Superb!

  • RE: Fair Data Mining?

    And wine in restaurants, which costs 10 times as much as at the supermarket...

    Steve, the only way your decision not leave things in the cart will make any difference is...

  • RE: A Question of Trust

    In most programming offices since I started programming (on mainframes!) there have been gurus, the 'experts' you go to when you have a query in a specific area. They may...

  • RE: Poof

    Once information is released, there is no way of getting it back. If I receive a 'read once' email, I can cut and paste, or take a snap of the...

  • RE: One''s Missing

    A final thought on SQL. A course on the syntax is not enough; it should include relational algebra first, so that the logic behind the SQL is understood. More deep...

  • RE: One''s Missing

    I think that there should be at least one assembler language in there. You need to know the deep magic, how the bits and bytes really work.

  • RE: How To Get Hired

    Yes, absolutely right, Steve.

    In the same way that you put your best suit on for the interview, you should be displaying your best spelling, grammar, etc on your CV or...

  • RE: A Tighter Integration

    'This has some interesting implications for DBAs in that they should be able to work more closely with developers and also maintain more control over them.'

    I think this may be...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)