Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)

  • RE: T-SQL

    Poor wordy weasle.

    I like question where the wording is not at issue only the facts.

    -1 point for poor question to SQL Server Central.

  • RE: SSAS Database Backup

    If XMLA script isn't working you could try SSIS using AMO to backup the databases. We backup ours twice a day to catch any deployments........

    Sometimes you have to just...

  • RE: Improving SSAS performance with SSD Drives


    This is something I have been wondering about.

    A Mirrored and Stripped array, 4 disks plus (2 striped and then mirrored) could achieve 170mbps per disk write and 200mbps read per...

  • RE: SSIS foreach Loop - creating dynamic log output files and sending email


    If the **script** is on the "Control Flow" design screen then you could add a Execute SQL task the uses sp_send_dbmail with attention paid to the file attachment option....

  • RE: Flat File Source import option has disappeared

    If it happens again you could uninstall and re-install SSMS, then apply SP2.

  • RE: Updgrate SQL SERVER 2000 at 2008

    If you are just upgrading database objects (tables, views, usp's, udf's, etc) then you will just need to follow the updade advice from those sources.

    If you are upgrading to IA64...

  • RE: Configuration File Issue


    Are you sure you have setup the configuration files in the job?

    If you haven't doen that it would exactly match the symptoms you describe and is a step to easily...

  • RE: Configuration File Issue

    This sounds like the design time configurations are being used, ie. the Dev environment.

    From your discussion it sounds like you are not that familiar with SSIS configs, which is ok,...

  • RE: SSIS and Excel 2007

    Madhivanan (10/24/2008)

    If you want to do this in sql, refer

    Unfortunately "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" does not exist for IA-64..........unless you have heard otherwise.....

    If you have we would be very pleased indeed!!...

  • RE: SSIS and Excel 2007

    We have IA-64 servers........other than using a CSV converted version......will Microsoft ever release excel (Jet) drivers so we can use the excel Tasks?

    Do you have any methods for bringing in...

  • RE: The Agile Cult

    Didn't the three amigo's - Booch, Brady and Rumbaugh cook up the Capability Maturity Model back in 1995/6?

  • RE: MS SQL Server vs processor license

    Multiple processor bugs are nothing new to SQL Server, e.g. had them in 7 sp3 and 2000 sp3.

    If you think you have a Parallelism problem using MAXDOP 1 option on...

  • RE: SSAS Database Backup

    Here's VB Net Script to do the same using SSIS

    Variables are declared at Package level and are configured using Package configurations (XML files).

    This is the MAIN() body of code


  • RE: Cannot connect remotely to SSIS

    A few steps and questions about this "problem"

    1) are the users in the administrators group on the server running SSIS service

    2) If not then DCOM settings need to be...

  • RE: Unable to Add New Line Character in SQLServer 2005 Reporting Services

    You can also right click the text box and select "fx - Expression"

    On the new dialogue shown you can now enter CF/LF by pressing CTRL and RETURN together at...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)