Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 45 total)

  • RE: Long Date with Respect Locale Settings

    Thanx Antares686. Now I am looking at the ways how to make useful exactly as I want.



  • RE: Long Date with Respect Locale Settings

    Thanx, but I want the format with respect to Locale Settings. The problem is we have different clients who uses different Long Date formats according to their Locale Settings. e.g....

  • RE: SQL POP Quiz

    The same type of delete statement caused one of tables in our database empty i.e. deleted all rows.

    I got (8 row(s) affected).

    Edited by - kashif on 07/16/2002 02:08:16 AM

  • RE: Ansi Options Part 2 - ANSI_NULLS

    I agree with u that everyone who works with SQL Server should know how it works. I myself have told many people in my team this ANSI NULLS thing. This...

  • RE: Understanding Your Identity

    A good article to show how identity property works.

    I think thats how it should work. In case of concurrent INSERT(s) it will always generate a unique value and yes IDENTITY...

  • RE: DBadministrator vs Developer

    I think its better that a DBA is also a Developer because the way the logic is implemented (u should have heard about I myself is responsible for Database...

  • RE: Are you a "hunt and pecker" or a "typist"?

    Hunt'n'Pecker but use 2 to 3 fingers. I like the way some of my friends type who learned typing (u know, without looking at the keyboard). I too tried to...

  • RE: Create Table Statement

    hmmm... But in this case can't I use just another field referencing the PK?


  • RE: SQL Server Collation

    Thanx. It worked.

  • RE: Why did you decide to become a DBA/SQL Programmer?

    My Guru (a class fellow and Oracle Teacher) asked me to learn database programming. Then he taught me Oracle 7. Why? because what I see here is more than 80%...


    I get times(CPU, Duration) from SQL Profiler. The thing is happening in an SP and it is the 1st statement after the local declarations and assignments. I also checked it...

  • RE: When and how do you move changes to production?

    Well I use a Changes Script. Every change that is made to the Database is scripted in this file and Yes always checking with 'if exists'. only 1 or 2...

  • RE: How does the Indentity property work?


    Good work, b/c I have done something like storing IDENTITY values in a table in the good old days of FOXPro but Access, SQLServer and even other DBMS products support...

  • RE: 50 Ways to Confuse, Worry, or just Scare People in a computer lab.

    I agree to your points that Its not an easy (especially not for hit and try) thing to do and to stop Sys Admin using data from the DB. In...

  • RE: SQL Server Log

    Thanks Andy. I have just used its latest version. The only thing bothers me is that it is capable of tracking NTHostName and UserName but by adding a table name...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 45 total)