Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

  • RE: Customer Service

    If you get a chance, check out a site that I just stumbled across earlier this week. It exposes email punctuation substitution techniques that I believe you would find...

  • RE: Compare data in two tables

    There are several products "out there" to do comparisons of both structure and data. I'll agree with Norene that Red Gate is a good product, but I've also checked...

  • RE: Can I spell check text fields

    OK. I'm an idiot. I forgot to put in example usage.

    select dbo.checkspelling('blah') -- Returns 1 (success)

    select dbo.checkspelling('blahh') -- Returns 0 (failure)

    Sorry 'bout that...


  • RE: Can I spell check text fields

    Try this. You'll need Word installed on the machine you're running this on. It works but it's [slow].



    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.CheckSpelling (@checkword VARCHAR(50))



    DECLARE @w...

  • RE: Any logs store this!!!

    This may not help much but I recall reading somewhere that specific DTS jobs may change the recovery model. I wish I could offer more or at least be...

  • RE: sp_executesql -> nvarchar not BIG enough


    As you may know, sp_executesql implicitly converts [whatever you send to it as a statement] to NTEXT. While you can't declare a local variable as NTEXT, you -can- declare...

  • RE: How to send an email from SQL database


    You may want to research triggers in the SQL BOL. Also, here's another link that may or may not be helpful:

    I'm not sure what the performance will...

  • RE: Large DB backup stumper


    I'll only admit I ran into the error before .

    Definitely either scheduled backups and virus scanning [will] cause this error. Depending on the scanning package, you may have trouble...

  • RE: Teamwork

    Re: maybe it's you.


  • RE: Teamwork

    That really hits home for me too. I agree with Del (above). I have a short list of developers that I actually consider savvy enough to build solid...

  • RE: Congratulations Frank


    Congrats, Frank. Excellent news on the "career" and "home" fronts. Best wishes for more successes on the "career" side and plenty of good times on the "home" side.


  • RE: Database monitoring tool(s) needed!

    I've used SQLCheck and for the price, it's great. I found it to be a [bit] doggy as far as data refreshes but that could have been as a...

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)