Forum Replies Created

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

  • RE: The Phantom DBA

    If your company has SQL Server databases, then SOMEONE is acting as a DBA. But there is a vast difference between knowing HOW to take a backup, and understanding...

  • RE: Burnout

    Unfortunately, there's another side to this issue. I was in the burn-out stage in my previous job. I recognized it, and jumped ship. Now I practice healthy...

  • RE: Very slow SP, very quick query

    OMG!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!

    I have been fighting this exact problem for about 3 weeks now, just never found the right key words to search with. ...

  • RE: tempdb - understanding unallocated space

    Ditto to everything already said here, don't shrink it, don't shrink it when it's in use, etc. Best practices and all that. the interest of knowing why it won't...

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)