Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 20 total)

  • RE: Some Usages for XML

    XML is a good solution for some sticky problems.

    For example, I'm programming an application that stores information for physical exams that a medical practice performs. The problem is that the exam...

  • RE: Retrieving one value from each set

    I actually kept working with the problem and stumbled on this solution, which is much simpler. Dunno how I missed it.


    SELECT min(number),

  • RE: Retrieving one value from each set

    >> If it is not relevant in which order the phone numbers (home, ...) is preferred, left join this: >> ...

    That'll do it.

    Sigh...I need to think through these things...

  • RE: Those cursed cursors

    Hi, Grant.

    >> ... to walk through data that can be easily solved in sets. <<

    Easy for you to say!

    No, I understand what you're...

  • RE: Those cursed cursors

    Hi, Aaron.

    Well, I would but there's really nothing that special about them. Like I said, one contains payment amounts, another invoice amounts, and the customers table carries a balance column. (Yes...

  • RE: Those cursed cursors

    Good suggestion, and that's probably what I'll do also, but I need something to do periodic reconciliations to show the tables are, in fact, in sync, something the client requires.

  • RE: Those cursed cursors

    >> You can do it, here is one example: <<

    Now, why didn't I think of that? (Don't anwer that. <g&gt

    That'll do it, Robert. Thanks....

  • RE: Can''''t attach db - Transaction log full

    Thanks for your efforts, Yelena, but...

    >> 1. Use sp_attach_single_file_db (see syntax in Books Online in the SQL Server Star Menu) because it uses only the database file and creates...

  • RE: Can''''t attach db - Transaction log full

    I tried both of those solutions, but SQL Server balked at each. I was trying to move the db, but it didn't work on the new server, and, to top it...

  • RE: Can''''t attach db - Transaction log full

    Thanks for that advice, but the database isn't attached anymore, and SQL Server won't let me attach it for the very reason your advice addresses....a catch 22. But, I'll certainly put it...

  • RE: Can''''t attach db - Transaction log full

    I used the Management Studio with SQL Server 2005 to detach it, i.e.: 

    Right-click-myDB -> All tasks -> Detach.

    That's all I did.

    I don't understand why SQL Server disallows you to simply attach the...

  • RE: Can''''t attach db - Transaction log full

    Okay, will do. Thanks, Bill.

    While I'm at it, would you or someone tell me the correct procedure for detaching a db? Bascially all I want to know is what the common gotchas are...

  • RE: Can''''t attach db - Transaction log full

    I just read this in BOL:

    DBCC SHRINKFILE applies to the files in the current database.

    If the db isn't even attached, can this command be used? Perhaps that's why I keep...

  • RE: Can''''t attach db - Transaction log full

    Thanks, but now I get a message indicating the file cannot be found. I set the default location of log files to the folder where it is, and then tried adding...

  • RE: Help needed regarding keeping orders table history and data integrity

    As the old saw goes, "There's your way; there's my way; then there's the right way."

    In this case, yours is the right way. Data integrity should never be jeapordized,...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 20 total)