Forum Replies Created

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

  • RE: SQL Agent proxy account and export to .xls files

    If I am reading that correctly, then I am still going to have auditing breathing down my neck. I dont want the job to run with administrative priviledges, because then...

  • RE: SQL Agent proxy account and export to .xls files

    We found a hidden article about sqlagentproxyaccount needing modify rights to the C:\Documents and Settings\<SQLService>\Local Settings\Temp directory, but still no joy.....

  • RE: Best practice for Optimizing large databases

    I modified the above script quite a bit... I noticed that the above script could not deal with non-dbo table owners, nor could it deal with different collations from Information_schema,...

  • RE: DTS Hashing

    If you have a job that runs multiple dts packages, the process you have documented would be long and laborious....

    I generally use the DTSRUNUI.exe executable...

    1) >start>Run>DTSRUNUI 

    2) Specify SQL Server...

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)