Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 25 total)

  • RE: Change ANSI_NULLs option for a table

    Unfortunately, it doesn't help

  • RE: Change ANSI_NULLs option for a table

    My question is "How to change the option ANSI_NULLs of existing table?"

  • RE: Change ANSI_NULLs option for a table

    Restart of the server didn't help.

    The Sql-

    alter table tablename


    is not correct

    I get the error "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'set'."

    Do you know the correct syntax?

  • RE: Change ANSI_NULLs option for a table

    I 've changed the option for the database

    Unfortunately, it doesn't change ANSII_NULLs option for the table

  • RE: Change ANSI_NULLs option for a table

    what code do you mean?

    I can't recreate the table because ther are a lot of data in it.

    It lookup table, so many other tables are connected to it .

  • RE: parameter to derived table

    Ken, thank you for your help.

    Your idea is good, but there is a point that I need to get in result set

    all fields from table1.

    How can I get them...

  • RE: parameter to derived table

    I'm soryy for errors. I wanted to simplify my example. 

    Actual code is very complicated.

    There are many tables in this query.

    There ia a part from it:



     m.minvc_check_type ,



         dbo.metrology_inventory_checks m


  • RE: permissions on functions

    Thank you very much.

    The both answers are great.

    It helped me.

  • RE: to find name of indexes by name of fields

    It works great.

    Thank you very much, David.

  • RE: Can''''t select count(*) from large table


    select rows

    FROM sysindexes WHERE indid IN(1,2,255)

    and object_name(id) = 'TableName'

  • RE: need script to kill user SPIDS

    declare @tab table (spid integer)

    INSERT @tab

    select spid  FROM OpenRowset('SQLOLEDB', 'Server=(local);Trusted_Connection=yes',

        'SET fmtonly OFF

        exec master..sp_who2 ') A



    and ProgramName='Microsoft (R) .NET Framework'

    and hostname='devel'


  • RE: Triggers

    create table #test (trgname varchar(100), owner varchar(40),isupdate bit,isdelelete bit,isinsert bit,isafter bit, isinsteafof bit)

    exec sp_msforeachtable  'insert into #test exec sp_helptrigger ''?'''

    select * from #test


    drop table #test

  • RE: Rename of domain

    I'm sorry, but i don't understood

    what you mean by  "Windows group".

    There are only concepts : login, users, roles in SqlServer.

    Where can I create Windows group?

  • RE: Where clause depending of parameter

    Thanks to everybody who tried to help me.

    Karl, your solution with ANSI_NULLS is great, but your explanation convinced me to use 2 queries.

    Frank, Maths! Your solutions don't work . They...

  • RE: Assign date in VB Script (DTS)

    thank you very much for all answers. It really helped me.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 25 total)