Forum Replies Created

Viewing 13 posts - 271 through 283 (of 283 total)

  • RE: Joining data from two tables to another

    Try this code and see if it works for you:

    select, m.letter, m.data1, coalesce(c1.letter, c2.letter), coalesce(c1.data1, c2.data1)

    from @Mother m

    left join @child1 c1 on c1.letter = m.Letter


  • RE: SQL to do calc on different rows

    This gives you the output that you specified:

    with cte as


    Select c1, c2,

    Row_Number() over(ORDER BY c1) as RowNum


  • RE: Joining two tables: Provided/Budget

    Do you have a desired output table that matches the data you provided?

  • RE: Joining two tables: Provided/Budget

    ChildID WAIVER_SERVICES Month/Year services_provided Budget % used

    10177 3 12/2012 ...

  • RE: Missing Posts and Threads

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor (8/6/2013)

    I don't see it in a search in the database. My guess is someone spammed it and the thread got deleted instead of the spam...

  • RE: Missing Posts and Threads

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor (8/6/2013)

    Was it this thread?

    No. That is a different thread!

    I don't have a title, but I believe the word Touchdown was part of the title....

  • RE: Missing Posts and Threads

    The other thread that I posted to that I cannot find had to do with a query that would return the quarterback name and their max touchdowns and the year...

  • RE: Missing Posts and Threads

    All I have is the link that I referenced in my earlier reply. It is a hyper link, so clicking on it should show you what I am seeing.

    I do...

  • RE: SQL Query help

    shani19831 (8/6/2013)

    Thanks for the query, its returning what i want, but i have never used CTE and have no knowledge of it, guess its time to learn.

    is there no easy...


    We can assume, though, that since none of the answers were "doesn't work in this version of SQL", that we would be using a version of SQL that...

  • RE: How to clean up my master database?

    You can try the following:

    use master

    EXEC sp_MSforeachtable 'DROP TABLE ?'

    But be very careful!!! I tested this on a test server and it did get rid of tables that had accumulated...

  • RE: Help needed for Select Query

    Notice any problem between the Customer table & the Customer Details table?

    As was stated earlier, what you have tried, correctly formatted DLL & insert statements are necessary to even begin.



    CustomerId CustomerName Location City District PinCode ...

  • RE: SQL to combine rows based on dates and other common factors

    Here is another possible solution using cte's. While it makes seeing what the query does a bit easier, they are usually not as efficient as a solution without one!

    ;with cte...

Viewing 13 posts - 271 through 283 (of 283 total)