Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: Practical Methods: Naming Conventions

    London, sign me up if you'd like a DBA with 3 decades of experience who loves to sip a pint and watch football at the corner pub.

  • RE: Practical Methods: Naming Conventions

    "You can use whatever you want as long as you don't work for my company, but I do not see a reason for referring to a customer name as

  • RE: Practical Methods: Naming Conventions

    I appreciate the fact that universities have been teaching the singular concept for years. It is a topic that I have debated with folks like Ted Codd and Chris Date...

  • RE: Practical Methods: Naming Conventions

    I advocate the use of English for naming standards. Never use abbreviations or acronyms. If the word can't be found on then don't use it. No prefixes or suffixes...

  • RE: Import Wizard copies table and data, but noy keys

    It is a better practice to perform the data transfer first, then apply the indexes. And it runs a whole lot faster.

    Perhaps, that is why MS dropped the Object...

  • RE: Check Your SQL Server Identity

    All of these arguments go out the window when you begin encrypting data. Scope_Identity loses scope in an INSTEAD OF INSERT (or UPDATE) trigger returning NULL.

    And for historical accuracy,...

  • RE: Eliminating Cursors

    I fought against the inclusion of cursors in the original SQL spec, but COBOL programmers of the late 70's had great difficulty wrapping their mind around a technique that did...

  • RE: Technology for Fun

    Jules VerneI love the old classics from Jules Verne. 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, written in 1870, talked of technology that...

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)