Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 72 total)

  • RE: Time Zones

    marlon.seton (7/18/2012)

    Mad Myche (7/17/2012)

    a perfect instance would be the State of Michigan, which has 75000 people an hour behind the rest of the state

    What? What?? How did you get...

  • RE: Time Zones

    common-sense things like the metric system

    Say what?

    The meter was originally defined based off of the distance between the North Pole and the equator (1/10,000,000). And later redefined as the distance...

  • RE: Time Zones

    And then you get the neighboring anomaly of Hawaii and Christmas Island. They are North/South of each other and their clocks read the same exact time, but on the calendar...

  • RE: Time Zones

    I'm all for saving DateTime data in UTC, even more so as I have read through here.

    I primarily work web sites, and the one thing that bugs me is when...

  • RE: Password Handling

    My Scenario- mid sized managed hosting company, Sql Server used as datastore for CMS

    When DB websites are created, they are done via a web interface by a WebDBA (generally myself).


  • RE: Using SSIS to Maintain the File System

    I was kinda disappointed when I realized that this was not going to be an article on Denali's filestream methods.


    While I may want to have Sql Server 2012 when it comes out, I know that it most likely will not happen and I should be content with the 2008R2...

  • RE: COUNT No of occurrances in a text field

    And I was going to suggest a SELECT Max(index) from one of Jeff's most excellent split functions

  • RE: Sub query expressions vs. Joins.

    I can honestly say that I have never seen subqueries used as such, these queries have always been of the inner join variety. And judging by the discussion from months...

  • RE: Updating Image data type with varchar datatype

    his is what I see in Select statment. It is SQL 2000. What this encryption holds is not necessary as it is used by JD Edward.

    I don't think WriteText/UpdateText work...

  • RE: Which Versions of SQL Server Do You Have?

    Web Development house

    Our main operations migrated have migrated from 2000 Enterprise to 2008R2 Enterprise.

    Our development server is 2008 Enterprise.

    Our largest client has a 2000 Enterprise installation that we maintain

    We also...

  • RE: Why I am not getting help of SQl server 2000 in MSDN

    I know this is old, but the "F1" key in Sql 2000 is very very handy, and I prefer it to the Books Online version

  • RE: sql server encryption

    To the best of my knowledge you can.

  • RE: sql server encryption

    This is a little generalized as I am not an expert on this

    The purpose of client side encryption is to secure the data while it is being communicated between the...

  • RE: NewSQL Can Save the World

    If only I was a Linux person and had the time to play...

    The little light bulb went on when I was discussing this with a co-worker. I think there may...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 72 total)