Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 330 total)

  • RE: ASK SQLServerCentral

    I think someone at OSQA might have seen my tweet - the 'temporary login' email now works, which it wasn't earlier (go to the 'having problems logging in' bit at...

  • RE: ASK SQLServerCentral

    But I'm not sure you'd appreciate the issues if you weren't on there regularly. Basically looks like it's moved from StackExchange to OSQA, and now logins don't seem to work...

  • RE: ASK SQLServerCentral

    Yep, it's pretty buggered now πŸ™

    Looks like it's moving to OSQA, which seems to be the most shameless ripoff of any software product I've ever seen. (!)

  • RE: Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 1)

    Great article Paul - look forward to Part 2. πŸ˜€

  • RE: Solid State Disks and SQL Server

    Nice article sir, thorough analysis at the I/O level, and well explained. πŸ™‚

  • RE: T-SQL: Why β€œIt Depends”


    Really good article - like it. Now where's the +1 button on this forum? πŸ˜€

  • RE: Free Tools for the SQL Server DBA Part 2

    I'll be sure to remember that as a feature when I come to write my one! πŸ™‚

  • RE: Free Tools for the SQL Server DBA Part 2


    i thought you said schema, not data!

    Red gate's data compare does it quite well, and the tablediff utility is worth investigating...

  • RE: Free Tools for the SQL Server DBA Part 2

    I have just released some tools which are either free or have free editions - there is:

    SQL Everywhere - an IDE with code completion, auditing, multiple execution, lots more -...

  • RE: REPLACE Multiple Spaces with One

    It shows up like that because I didn't code format it in my post - i did type in two spaces. I am just trying to explain to you why...

  • RE: REPLACE Multiple Spaces with One

    in your function, you know you are replacing with something that will eventually disappear. However, you could easily want to replace one space with two spaces in another scenario, and...

  • RE: REPLACE Multiple Spaces with One


    I also realised why it can't work in a 'loop till it's finished' kind of way - because if you did REPLACE(expression, ' ', ' ') then it would...

  • RE: REPLACE Multiple Spaces with One

    Richard Briggs (11/16/2009)

    So we have to loop to get around 6 character limit of REPLACE:

    I cant understand why REPLACE has that 6 char limit though?

    I think the 6 char limit...

  • RE: REPLACE Multiple Spaces with One


    Nice article - I just hope that when I *finally* get round to writing mine then it's anywhere near one tenth as good as yours generally are...


  • RE: LOL is so last week

    Steve Jones - Editor (11/12/2009)

    My daughter will say "el-oh-el, Dad"

    I've always preferred LMAO or ROFLMAO

    I'm a big fan of ROFL too - it sounds like a portly grandfather having a...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 330 total)