Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 256 through 270 (of 271 total)

  • RE: LIKE keyword issues

    The expression you have will match true for ANY character that is NOT an e

    Something like ... NOT like '%e%' should do the job

  • RE: Running Delete on a Very Large table


    Some more info would help - you say deleting 30m rows is taking a long time, but  it is very difficult to judge what is "too long".

    Some info in row...

  • RE: Running Delete on a Very Large table

    Assuming the index on joindate is being used for the delete (check the plan) then I suspect you will be just hitting the discs really hard during the delete.But also...

  • RE: Setting Query Analyzer message display buffering in SQL serve2005

    Not with Print as far as I know, but using Raiserror with a low severity (<=10) and the optional claues WITH NOWAIT may achieve what you need.

  • RE: Client Data Backup

    Any error messages in the sql server log or NT event log?

    File permissions on the root of c:\ - does the account sql server is running under have permission to...

  • RE: Giving pain to DBA

    Sufian - the pictures - whatever they are - seem to be links to something on your desktop - I for one cannot see them, and I don't expect anyojne else...

  • RE: Giving pain to DBA

    OK - So we could monitor free log file space - there are perf counters that will let you see this, and then you could alter db to add  new...

  • RE: Giving pain to DBA


    Just to be accurate I think you will find that I was the first to mention DBCC(Loginfo) not you, so you did not give us something to think about...

  • RE: May i have help for this sql puzzle its very logical and critical- Urgent

    Not sure I understand the problem fully, but can you clear up a couple of things:

    Is this running in SQL Server? - Reason being you have used 2 datatypes 'date'...

  • RE: Giving pain to DBA


    A number of people have tried to help, but are now left hanging with a promise of your magic solution. Please tell!


  • RE: Group By with Non-Aggregate Function

    The problem you have is for any column not listed in the group by there are potentially multiple rows (and hence multiople values) in the underlying table, and something has...

  • RE: How can i Restore from Mapped drive?

    You cannot see the mapped drive because drive mappings are defined on a per account basis, so unless the sql server service is running under the same NT account as...

  • RE: How can i Restore from Mapped drive?

    You cannot see the mapped drive because drive mappings are defined on a per account basis, so unless the sql server service is running under the same NT account as...

  • RE: Giving pain to DBA


    I suggest you have a read arouind the logfile architecture in both BOL and Kalen's Inside SQl Server 2000.

    The logfile is treated as a number of what are called "Virtual...

  • RE: Giving pain to DBA

    I would certainly like to see it, but as far as I know the only way to change a log file to a different physical file is backup and restore...

Viewing 15 posts - 256 through 270 (of 271 total)