Giving pain to DBA

  • I don't think the original poster is, but it's possible. I think the poster was looking for a particular solution that worked in other database platforms but that isn't possible (using supported functionality) within SQL Server.

    In case any one hasn't heard the term trolling: Trolling the Web

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Given his response to one of the other posts - the link doesn't work - where poor Chris (who is always so helpful and unfailingly polite) got scorched, I'd have to agree...

    Thanks for telling us about "trolling"...hadn't ever come across an example before this and not too sure if the excitement and comments this post generated is worth the time given to it!!! Still - a good time was had by all and we all need diversions and laughs now & then...

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Thanx was looking for the definition... didn't know that people had so much time on their hands...

  • Are you sure you got the right URL?

  • Hrm. It works for me. I've removed the target that causes it to open in a new window. Maybe that was the cause. Here is the direct URL (not link enabled):

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Brian - I believe he was talking about the one that I sent....I've included the URL as the link wasn't working...(don't know why!!!)

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Ah. I got there. This is the same question asked by the same guy. He's correct, with DBCC LOGINFO() you can see which logfile is in use. Of course, it's undocumented so there's no supported way to know. And yeah, you can switch which logfiles are active, though I did so using DBCC SHRINKFILE, but that doesn't prevent SQL Server from going back and using the old logfile. Nor does it mean you can remove the primary logfile.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Yup... you were pointing back to your current comment on this thread

  • Hey dont point that u had helped me or written (I believe he was talking about the one that I sent).

    u all dont have a clue of that what i want to do ( i did it) now i am posting for u all.

    ---------------But have a look on this first--------------------

    I had deleted the default logfile online (for those who are saying that we cannot delete the defaultlogfile online.

    2nd pic ----no default logfile in localdatabase sysfile

    Database properties window

    Now u all undertsand what i wanted and did.

    BUt i like to thanx those who given me such nice commects (specially to one who abused me thanx really thanx)

    because u all encourage me to do that is not possible for  u all.

    Pls commects on this.

    During all this i faced one problem be ready for that?

  • If you solved the problem, great, post the solution. Taunting, which you're doing, is not acceptable here.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • SOrry ,

    ok once again i post the pics.

    I know u will ask me how i did it.

    (i) create a logfile for that database on the same with min space and set autogrow option to true.

    (ii) delete the information of the primary logfile from 3 tables of the database which i mentioned before.

    see the constratints on the table before deleting the record .(1)table in master database(2)two tables in the local database.

    (iii) i have given the whole answer except one line of code. ask me for the code

    so dear what u all think.still not possible.or still want to give some more beautiful comments.

    hope u all will find it different.



  • You just did the right thing, mate!

    I just can't stand this guy, being so bitchy and rude to people like Remi, Brian, Steve, Phill, Gabor, SSWords and the rest, who help others (may they be low-on-knowledge or low-in-manners) with unrelenting effort, and sacrificing their precious time!

    It just pisses you off to find people like this... Wonder where the jerk-off is from?!

  • Mr.Gogula ,

    I which school u studid so far that u have so good manners.

    U cant understand me and i never said any thing wrong to all the Jenious people who are trying to help  me.

    But .......I think those who are using wrong words on the forum should be furm or be quite.

    its very simple if u dont understand me then pls dont see my question or replies that the best thing u can do.

    secondly , i was trying to give u all a way to do not even i said or forced u to give me a answer.

    I did right i am happy what i did.

    so u think that those who help others are jenious . i dont think so but yes they help with what they know .

    Suggest u to try what i explained..

    Bye .



  • Another option is detach and attach your db, delete the ldf file, then attach your db.  This will automatically create a new log file.

    Hope that help.



  • Sufian - the pictures - whatever they are - seem to be links to something on your desktop - I for one cannot see them, and I don't expect anyojne else can either.

    So please post your code,in plain text no bitmaps -  I for one want to see it, but I have a horrible feeling you are using something undocumented/ and therefore unsupported. Around database recovery mistakes can be extremely "career limiting".


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