Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

  • RE: Backup file size is 0 KB

    I have tried however I'm getting a message saying The volumn on device e:\sql backups\sqlserver\dbname-md-20100729 is empty. RESTORE HEADERONLY is terminating abnormally....error 3254.

    I doubt this backup is recoverable

  • RE: Error when restoring: There is already an object named sysnsobjs in the database

    Guys I'm having the same problem. I'm trying to restore a master database as a different database name to a SQL 2008 instance. The master database comes from a...

  • RE: Shrink mdf file

    Yes - I was able to shrink the file by using the dbcc shrinkfile command with [emptyfile] paramater. This shrinks the file by moving the data to the .NDF...

  • RE: Shrink mdf file

    Hi Jack

    We need to shrink the db to free up disk space. This database that I'm shrinking contains one massive table +- 260 GB it is basically a log...

  • RE: Shrink mdf file

    I've manged to eventually shrink the file. I've basically created another file in the same file group; then shrunk the main file using the option "Empty file by migrating...

  • RE: Shrink mdf file

    No Jason - Currently I have a 270 GB file that has 263 GB free after the truncate; prior to the truncate I had a few megabytes free

    The truncate completed...

  • RE: Shrink mdf file

    Thanks for the response

    the mdf is just under 270 GB

    the ldf is 100 MB...its in simple recovery mode and the remaning data size is 7 GB.

    The last backup was taken...

  • RE: Update dts owners after restore of msdb

    I've tried running this command below. It works temporarily changes or reverts back to the old owner immediately once you update the dts package. Do you have...

  • RE: Execute Stored Procedure via .bat file

    Thanks very much Viney...its working perfectly!

  • RE: Execute Stored Procedure via .bat file

    Hi Vinay thanks for the response

    Do you have an alternative suggestion. I deally I wouldn't wan't to use pearl

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)