Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 41 total)

  • RE: Transaction Log and Recovery Model

    Also I see this is the error logs

    BACKUP failed to complete the command BACKUP LOG [MEDICAL] TO DISK = N'F:\MSSQL\BACKUP\MEDICAL\MEDICAL_tlog_200809240730.TRN' WITH INIT , NOUNLOAD , NOSKIP...

  • RE: Transaction Log and Recovery Model

    My is the output from the DBCC SQLPERF(logspace)

    MEDICAL 17.99219 8.312527 0

  • RE: Transaction Log and Recovery Model

    I've been monitoring the growth over the last two nights and we have a 30G drive that the logs are on and they are filing to 27, 28G overnight. I...

  • RE: Transaction Log and Recovery Model

    I'm assuming they are full log backups (where can I verify?)

    Sorry, log files are being backed up every hour from 6-9, however there is a maintenance plan scheduled at 11:30pm


  • RE: Transaction Log and Recovery Model

    Using Full Recovery

    Backups are scheduled every hour from 6am to 9pm

    Not sure if replication is running

    SQL 2000

  • RE: Transaction Log and Recovery Model

    I'm having the very same issue with Bob..... however how can I determine what kinds of INSERTS, UPDATES, and DELETES are occurring in the database?

  • RE: Convert Function?

    I re-posted "Create View Help" I did get one response, but I haven't tried it yet....other burning issues today

  • RE: Convert Function?

    Yes thanks....I wasn't aware of this travesty that I was doing. 😉 I have reposted (hopefully correctly).... 😀

  • RE: Convert Function?

    THANKS!! I will do that Much appriciated!

  • RE: Convert Function?

    I ran this query and found that I have null values also in this column, this is messing up my calculations as well.

  • RE: Convert Function?

    Well my report is based off a view already, so in essense yes I guess I could do that and redefine the column there..... I've thought about that but I'm...

  • RE: Convert Function?

    It's just that one column that I need to convert all values to a decimal. I'm limited due to the way our system is setup I can't manipulate this table...

  • RE: Convert Function?

    I can't change the data type in the table because it's used as a free text field, values are based on INR levels for medical records. For reporting purposes I...

  • RE: Deadlock Errors

    I changed it back to 1 for now until I can figure out the underlying issue....hopefully that will at least buy me sometime.

  • RE: Deadlock Errors

    that is what I did...except I used 10...however I just received notice that are continuing to have this issue now in Outlook? Suggestions?

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 41 total)