Forum Replies Created

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

  • RE: Your Boss Is Your Customer

    "It confers the tactician the rationale to explode on a culprit after repeated offenses of an unknown expectation, conferring advantage and leverage in current and future negotiations."

    What?? I hope you...

  • RE: Are You Easy To Work With?

    "Sometimes it takes someone who plays Devil's Advocate, who challenges, who dictates, who is single-minded, whose convictions are unshakeable".

    I am glad you used the word "sometimes". I know a person...

  • RE: Protecting Data

    "If that is true, then we then need secure development environments and treat them like production servers".

    Yes and no. If you are off shoring or have a third party develop...

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)