Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

  • RE: The Troubleshooting List

    Thanks to Gordon and Robert for shedding light on that! Man the more I look, the blinder I feel - I don't know how people learned their way around...

  • RE: The Troubleshooting List

    Hey Gordon;

    Newbie here again...I didn't understand the upshot of your experience and I'd like to learn from it. What did the "Time out occurred while waiting for buffer latch...

  • RE: The Troubleshooting List

    I am a very green production DBA - always been a SQL developer who has just been thrown into the thick of server maintenance now. To make matters more...

  • RE: Lots of replicated tables - how many publications?

    I would really like to be proactive in terms of performance - and would like to learn more about filtering and partitioning and identify what other kind of strategies I...

  • RE: Bug with insert inside stored proc

    On my last post the end of the temp table declaration was a semi-colon followed by an end parens, which the posting interpreted as a winking happy face (bla!)  So...

  • RE: Bug with insert inside stored proc

    I really struggled with this for about a week when we tried to get this working.  I tried EVERY thing I found on the web but mostly what I found...

  • RE: standard ways of create object in existing database

    One thing you might want to do is to have a script template to use from the get-go, instead of just writing in the query analyzer then scripting it out. ...

  • RE: Beginner Help with Select Query

    If you have more than one date that the user made the same Max purchase, you will get mulitple records in your result set for the same max amount (each...

  • RE: Helping Out

    Definitely it would be a NutritionalPlanner\Chef.  I tend to grab prepared food because I am always short on time and don't always eat the way I want to and prefer...

  • RE: Lots of replicated tables - how many publications?

    Thanks so much for your replies!  The advice I got on creating so many publications said that this would achieve parallel data streams for updates and increase replication throughput (but...

  • RE: SQL Server 2005 Replication - Distributor

    Remove all subscriptions for each Publication, then delete each publication prior to running the following steps


    Disable the publication database


    EXEC sp_removedbreplication @ReplicationDB;


    Remove the registration of the local Publisher at the Distributor.



  • RE: SQL Server 2005 Replication - Distributor

    Remove all subscriptions for each Publication, then delete each publication prior to running the following steps


    Disable the publication database


    EXEC sp_removedbreplication @ReplicationDB;


    Remove the registration of the local Publisher at the Distributor.



Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)