Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 60 total)

  • RE: SQL Server Profiler

    We have ;

    c: Op Sys

    d: Prog Files & SQL log files

    e: SQL Data Files

  • RE: SQL Server Profiler

    Thanks for the reply.

    I would run it on the live server but we cant risk any performance problems and we dont have a spare drive in any case. There...

  • RE: logins

    Deepak's link will give you what you want. Its been improved since I last needed it. Default databases etc. The key thing is the copying of the SIDs.

  • RE: Is SQL 2005 better than 2000?

    Yes, the plan is to shut down one instance as the other is scrutinised (step iii) in first post). We will replay a day's transactions as well as run some...

  • RE: Is SQL 2005 better than 2000?

    Thats exactly it. The hardware will remain the same and we will be performing an in-place upgrade, although for the comparison there will be 2 sql instances (2000 & 2005)....

  • RE: Is SQL 2005 better than 2000?

    Thanks for response.

    Why do you think the test is useless ? We want to prove that SQL 2005 really does perform better with the same hardware and I cant...

  • RE: Audit Database Changes in the Real World

    msbasssinger (6/11/2008)

    Yes. I grabbed the wrong audit article. My bad, and my apologies.

    Time to revist the coffee pot. 🙂

    No worries. Make me one too pls! 🙂

  • RE: Audit Database Changes in the Real World

    msbasssinger (6/11/2008)

    I think I have a less complicated approach to audit trails.

    Isn't yours a different type of auditing i.e. changes to data as opposed to what the article is about...

  • RE: Upgrading a Database SQL 2000 to SQL 2005

    Good summary article, but is no substitute for MS's Technical Reference. If you are doing an upgrade be sure to read it.

  • RE: DBA Morning Check List

    rubes (4/14/2008)

    Nice article. I would just like to point out that for those of us that have numerous servers, automation of the checklist is critical. If you're dealing...

  • RE: DBCC Shrinkfile & Shrinkdatabase

    What sizes are the actual op sys files (mdf/ldf/ndf) ?

    Do these correlate with what sp_spaceused is tellling you?

    If the log file is huge run DBCC OPENTRAN to determine the oldest...

  • RE: SQL Sleep


    Do you think we got nothing better to do than read pointless articles?

  • RE: Trying to move the entire SQL install to another drive

    I dont think you can avoid using space on C: even if you have specified another drive for each component. The .NET framework components will go to C: and you...

  • RE: Attach Detach

    I have not seen this before. Have you tried refreshing the view?

    Have you tried to detach once again ?

    (Note : if you want to update statistics then change the...

  • RE: Shrinking log files in SQL 2000

    It begs the question why it has been allowed to grow so large? You should run regular backups of your log file (BACKUP LOG...) otherwise it will keep growing. This...

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 60 total)