Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

  • RE: SQL Mail with @query argument failing

    Jie Ma,

    Could you please explain your answer a little more clearly.  I don't quite understand what you are saying to do.

  • RE: VB code vs. Stored procedures

    Code generation of stored procedures based off of the database schema shortens the development time also.  In addition, for smaller projects code generation of the Data Layer in VB shaves...

  • RE: How do I strip all spaces from within a string?

    Try using PATINDEX.

    declare @cndx int;

    declare @text varchar(8000);

    declare @pattern varchar(50);

    declare @replace varchar(50);

    set @text = 'a b  c   d ';

    set @pattern = '% %'; -- wildcard pattern

    set @replace = '';

    set @cndx =...

  • RE: OLEDB Driver Fails to Return @@Identity

    A more efficient way of retrieving the identity value via a return value (as no return trip is required to fetch the new identity value) is as follows:

    1) Using the...

  • RE: OLEDB Driver Fails to Return @@Identity

    1) Create a database called PlayGround on my (local) SQL Server 2000

    2) Create a login called PlayGround_DBO with a password of "xyzabc123" and grant it DBO access to the PlayGround...

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)