Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 21 total)

  • RE: Dude, The Server''s Down

    >Suprised that it took that long for someone to post that.

    I don't usually post, since someone eventually comes along with the solution well before me.  Funny thing is that once,...

  • RE: Dude, The Server''s Down

    We had a problem with SQL boxes in a cluster locking up, or powering off inexplicably.  After several weeks of going back & forth, the Dell reps had me reseat...

  • RE: Software Pricing

    If I understood the edtiorial correctly, then this is a BAD idea.  I have 4 instances on my SQL server, and I adjust memory between them (rarely) based on variances...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 17 Mar 2006

    >The answer should have been Log Reader, the question was about performing last "WRITES" - not "RITES". Two different things.

    The clue was, I think, who administers the last writes.  That...

  • RE: Big SQL Server 2005 News

    There is no news - they're just checking to see if we're paying attention... 

  • RE: SFTP through DTS

    You can script SFTP for MSSQL.  You will need an SFTP utility installed on both nodes of your cluster, and they will need to be configured identically. 

    We had fits...

  • RE: Hungarian Notation To Be or Not To Be

    Sorry, it's sp0_[Name], not sp_....

  • RE: Hungarian Notation To Be or Not To Be

    I do not think Hungarian Notation (or a variabt thereof) is bad at all for SQL.  For example, we use the following prefixes:

    tbl - standard data entry table

    tlkp - static...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 25 Aug 2004

    Yes!  Most definitely want my point as well!  I've even had to help others "get back" their sa account (as it were) through this registry change, so I knew it...

  • RE: SQLPing Attacks?

    Your copy of EM is probably polling the server; turn off polling on the system through EM.

    Another thing to note (we got bit on this one):  do not "hide" your...

  • RE: Database Performance II

    What version of SQL Server?  What is the query causing the error?  And why are you trying to retrieve 3.6 million records?  Are you allowing dirty reads on the table(s)?

  • RE: Question of the Day for 09 Jul 2004

    >USE pubs" switches context to pubs database!

    >By the way the SQL code in this question is 1 to 1 copy of "SET FMTONLY" articel in SQL Server Books Online!

    This was...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 11 Feb 2004

    The steps are not required, but reecommended.  Important difference.  Oh, well, should have known better....

  • RE: Question of the Day for 05 Feb 2004

    There is NO SUCH THING as a "Windows Application Application Log".  Windows is NOT an application, it is an OPERATING SYSTEM!  The Windows Application Event Log is the CORRECT answer,...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 26 Jan 2004

    >"[...] it will still run a partial update of the table. It will not change the PaidFg column [...]"

    I'd say that's more than a bit off, since it's central to...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 21 total)