Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 34 total)

  • RE: Auto-roll date

    Thanks for all your help.  I'll try to make one of these options work in my context.

  • RE: Auto-roll date

    Your solution works great to meet the first criteria (regarding day-of-week), but when I try to use the following construct to check for the holiday schedule, I fail to get...

  • RE: Auto-roll date

    Thanks for the help.

    No, I wasn't thinking about a cursor. I was, however, thinking about a WHILE... BEGIN statement to move the date forward one day at a time until...

  • RE: Fetching MAX(LEN(ColumnName)) for all columns in table

    Don't take offense.  I am impressed with your solution, and I like the abililty to look at all the tables in a database.  At the same time, that doesn't work...

  • RE: Fetching MAX(LEN(ColumnName)) for all columns in table

    Here's another way (credit goes to Mike H., friend of mine and a Microsoft Valued Professional in the SQL world), and this gives me the results in original...

  • RE: Fetching MAX(LEN(ColumnName)) for all columns in table

    Wow!  This is great!  Thanks.

    The prior post was close, but even after making some adjustments I ended up with NULLs in the ActDataLength column for ALL columns.

    But THIS one really...

  • RE: Fetching MAX(LEN(ColumnName)) for all columns in table

    Unfortunately, I don't write or have immediate access to writing in VB code, so I'm stuck doing this in T-SQL.  I've changed my code (see below) to dynamic...

  • RE: Fetching MAX(LEN(ColumnName)) for all columns in table

    Yep, you're right!  I just discovered that.

    How do I fix it???

  • RE: Fetching MAX(LEN(ColumnName)) for all columns in table

    Well, it may be crude, but I wrote the following and it works:


     This script will fetch the ACTUAL MAX DATA LENGTH of data resident

     columns of the...

  • RE: CONVERT DateTime from ISO format

    Thanks, I'll give it a try.

  • RE: Why doesn''''t this code work?

    I think I found the problem.  TranCount is an Integer data type.  Therefore, the division always produced a zero result because the value was a fraction less than zero, but...

  • RE: System freezes

    I wish I could take credit for this script, but I can't.  It was done by a friend and business associate of mine.  He created it and uses it to track...

  • RE: System freezes

    Yes SPIDs are blocking other SPIDs...when I have to fix the problem I have to run sp_who and trace back the Process ID numbers till I find one that's...

  • RE: Eliminating duplicate records in join


    Your request to have me post the desired result set led me to think through additional factors.  I think I may have figured out how to get where I want...

  • RE: Eliminating duplicate records in join

    Well, here goes.  See if this will get what you need:



     [POLineKey] [int] NOT NULL ,

     [VoucherUnitCost] [decimal](15, 5) ,

     [VoucherPostDate] [datetime] ,

     [VoucherTranDate] [datetime] ,

     [VoucherTranID] [char] (25) ,

     [VoucherQty] [decimal](15, 3)  ,


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 34 total)