Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 151 total)

  • RE: Growing tempdb problem

    A couple questions:

    Is the space actually showing as 'used' or is it showing as 'allocated'?

    If allocated, do you see the size of the temp table(s) created getting larger (perhaps exponentially)...

  • RE: cloning a table

    If you want to use EM, you can use the Import/Export wizard. The source and target database would be the same, then select your table in the dialog and change...

  • RE: Replace NULL value with 0 in query

    There would definitely be even more work involved, but could it also make sense to break your formulas up into smaller chunks for readability? Or you could slice up your...

  • RE: Query Returns Data From Linked Server Despite Loss of Connection?

    Well, I created the link months ago... and I've slept since then... but sysservers shows it as SQLOLEDB. So yes, it's SQL Server.


    Say, the...

  • RE: Replace NULL value with 0 in query

    Use IsNull(<ColumnName>,0)


  • RE: Query Returns Data From Linked Server Despite Loss of Connection?

    Thanks for the response, rstone.

    I've done some additional reading on SQL Server cache behavior since yesterday (and thanks for the KB number). It looks like the alternatives aren't appropriate for...

  • RE: Query Returns Data From Linked Server Despite Loss of Connection?

    Perhaps my original post was naive. I understand that, if what I'm observing is accurate (which I've checked against two of my associates), then SQL Server must be caching something.


  • RE: Group By with Subquery Question

    Shooting from the hip, something like this?

    SELECT		audit_date,
    		Sum(audit_total_units) as totalclaims,
    FROM		audits
    		ON audits.audit_id = audit_errors.audit_id
    WHERE		audit_errors.error_type_id = 6
    GROUP BY	audit_date,
  • RE: access query to sql server HELP!!!

    If this is the error you're getting:

    Column '<column_name>' is invalid in the HAVING clause because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

    then try...

  • RE: XP_CMDSHELL Results Question

    Is P:\ mapped for the computer you're working on, or for the SQL Server in question?

    xp_cmdshell works as if you were running a command prompt from the SQL Server itself.


  • RE: SQL query

    Ah, so that's where all those dratted smileys went.


  • RE: SQL query

    I feel like I'm over simplifying these things, because someone usually follows up my code plops with a set-based solution.

    If you want separate recordsets, though, would this...

  • RE: #Temp object curiosity



    A local temporary table created in a stored procedure is dropped automatically when the stored procedure completes. The table...

  • RE: Exec Result Set

    Ah, yes. Hadn't considered that. Good idea!


  • RE: Exec Result Set

    In regards to your second requirement, xp_senmail will return only 0 or 1. You'll note my code ignores the return value. The code to get it is kinda backward, I...

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 151 total)