Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 49 total)

  • RE: SQL Injection in stored procedure

    Its clear Yoda don't know and don't want to learn.

    God may not be able to help Yada. You need to learn SQL.

  • RE: SQL Injection in stored procedure

      The logic used is:

    getting parameters in csv and converting into table as you said in link. (this is basics now), then maching records based on csv generted table with data...

  • RE: SQL Injection in stored procedure

    I am trapping any error generated and not worried on that. The only worry is if there is no error and sql injection affect data.

    I have the requirement for dynamic...

  • RE: SQL Injection in stored procedure

    If you know then write answer.

    Yoda can be killed with my skills.



  • RE: SQL Injection in stored procedure

    OK see the actual situation like this

    create PROCEDURE dbo.usp_GetContactValues


      @JobIDs nvarchar(4000)




    DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(4000)

    SET @SQL = 'SELECT JOB_id, job_desc


      WHERE JOB_id IN ('...

  • RE: SQL Injection in stored procedure

    I am just trying to see the possiblity of sql injection in the code. otherwise I may have to change all procs to use replace ' with ''.


    I don't want...

  • RE: SQL Injection in stored procedure

    Yeah you are right but in case of dynamic query, if there is something after the parameter like order by clause in the next line, sql injection will not affect. ...

  • RE: SQL Injection in stored procedure

    Thanks Dave


    My concern is whether option 1 is vulnerable to sql attack

    December 2, 2004 at 8:21 am


  • RE: create drop indexes for code maintenence

    I am looking for checking index when exists with sane defination. some thing in this line:

    alter procedure usp_check_index_object

     @Objname varchar(1000), @indexName varchar(8000), @decKeys varchar(4000), @decFillFactor int


    declare @indid smallint,

    -- @objname  nvarchar(1000),...

  • RE: reindexing the database

    When a record is inserted it fills the free space available on page. If no space then split the page and add record. Reindex on the other hand recreate the...

  • RE: Transaction Log Growing

    Run this in QA for the user database you want to operate. Replace <dbname> with your database name.

    dbcc shrinkfile (2, notruncate)

    dbcc shrinkfile (2, truncateonly)

    create table t1 (char1 char(4000))


    declare @i int


  • RE: xp_cmdshell vs DOS command prompt running osql

    I am having similar problem.

    Xp_Cmd is working on my local machine but doesn't work on servers in LAN. When I am running using dos promt, it is running. Actually I...

  • RE: Database Encryption

    I am using xp_crypt for password encryption. working good for me.



  • RE: Reducing Log File size below initial size

    Definately worked for me. The logic is for truncating log , you need to have transaction. Try this.

    dbcc shrinkfile (2, notruncate)

    dbcc shrinkfile (2, truncateonly)

    create table t1 (char1 char(4000))


    declare @i int


  • RE: Killed/Rollback

    Having same issues.


    How to cycle the service?

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 49 total)