Forum Replies Created

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

  • RE: multiple data regions in one report

    I'm not sure I fully understand, but if you're trying to use the same dataset in two different table only sorted differently can you not just open the properties dialog...


    Can you run the bulk insert statement in SSMS?

    Maybe it needs the DATAFILETYPE specifying, if there are differences from 2000 to 2005.

  • RE: Using 2 TVPs in a stored proc to insert into 2 related tables

    I agree the OUTPUT clause is the way to go.

    Something along these lines should work

    Declare @Results Table


    RequestQueueID bigint not null,

    ScopeRequestID bigint not null


    Insert Into dbo.RequestQueue


    From [dbo].[udtt_Request]

    Output Inserted.RequestQueueID, ScopeRequestID Into...

  • RE: Enabling Trigger when specific user will logOn..How?

    Noman Tariq (7/30/2009)

    Hi All,

    I am trying to do a simple thing but unable to get it through.


    I have a table in MyDB1, it also has a trigger which just sets...


    jymoorthy (7/30/2009)

    we have batch process from SQL 2000 on windows 2000, we do bulk insert from text files using ISQL commands

    ISQL -E /d dbname /S servername /Q "BULK INSERT Tbl_20090726...

  • RE: How to execute all sql query within a folder in SSIS

    aktajay (7/29/2009)

    Hi ,

    I want to execute multiple sql queries from any folder, I don't know how many sql queries in the folder ....I need to execute all one by one...

  • RE: Collation property

    It's possible to specify a collation for a column when creating a table, this can be different from the default for the database.

    Please see Syntax for Create Table in BOL...

  • RE: How many instances and what are their names and versions

    You could look in Admin Tools-->Services and see what SQL Server Services are installed.

    Or in the registry in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server, there's a key 'Installed Instances'

  • RE: SQLBrowser.exe won't start

    You could check the windows update log(%windir%\windowsupdate.log), see which updates where installed which would have affected the SQL browser service and then removing and re-applying the update or simply reinstalling...

  • RE: Using Derrived Column to add text qualifiers

    Try escaping the quote marks like this

    ISNULL(Report_Date) ? "" : "\"" + (DT_STR,50,1252)Report_Date + "\""

  • RE: User Permission

    I think the Deny permissions you have applied at the server level override any explicitly granted permissions at the database level. Basically the lowest level permissions apply. I think you...

  • RE: Policy - On change - Prevent.

    Which Facet are you using the 'Table' or 'Table options' one. I think 'On change prevent' might only be available with the table options facet.

  • RE: Apply naming convention policy to only new store procedures

    For the condition I added

    @Name Like 'sft_sp%'


    @CreatedDate < DateAdd('mi', -5, GetDate()) -- it was created more than 5 mins ago.

    It seems to work.

  • RE: Connectivity error on a 2K named instance installed after a 2K8 install

    Have you checked the settings for the SQL service in the SQL Server Configuration Manager, specifically the 'SQL Server Network Configuration' for your problem instance. There is a 'Hide Instance'...

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)