Sangeeta Satish Jadhav-362431

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)

  • RE: Delete

    Try this...

    DELETE FROM tbItem l (nolock)

    Where exists(Select p.POID From tbProductionOrder p (nolock) where l.POID = p.POID AND PODescription LIKE '%00000%')

  • RE: load a csv file

    Use bulk insert...

    --Step 1:create table to insert data from file

    Create Table TmpTbl

    (Column names


    --Step 1: Build Valid BULK INSERT Statement

    Set @FilePath = 'c:\test.txt'

    EXEC Master..xp_fileexist @FilePath, @File_Exists OUT

    IF @File_Exists = 1...

Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)