Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 119 total)

  • RE: Need help with proper syntax


    DTS has a tendency to create text or ntext columns by default, which are so-called LOB (Large Object) datatypes in SQL Server.  These datatypes can hold large amounts of data...

  • RE: Sql server naming standards

    And a second article, from a SQL Server MVP:


    Scott Thornburg

  • RE: can you suppress the "Changing any part of an object name.." message on sp_rename?

    One possibility is to either modify or copy the stored procedure sp_rename in master db.  Of course, the standard warnings about changing system stored procedures exist, e.g., could be overwritten...

  • RE: Licensing Test Servers

    By no means am I a licensing specialist, but we put SQL Server Developer's Edition on our Dev and QA boxes, at something like $35 a box.  In my view,...

  • RE: Find a column


    You're welcome.  I must admit that for a one-off situation, I'm more likely to use a sollution like wz700 provided -- use SQL to create SQL, then cut and paste to...

  • RE: Query test for just date of smalldatetime

    Why not just use BETWEEN?

    if object_id('dbo.MyTable') is not null

        drop table dbo.MyTable

    create table MyTable

       (RowDate    smalldatetime   not null

       ,Col1       int

       ,Col2       int

       ,Col3       int


    insert dbo.MyTable


  • RE: Find a column


    You could use system metadata to construct your query (with syscolumns or the equivalent information_schema view), and then use the undocumented xp_execresultset to execute the query itself.  

    xp_execresultset takes two...

  • RE: Declaring a List

    You have two options:

    1.  Use dynamic sql

         DECLARE @myList  varchar(100)

         SET @myList = '27,42,99'

         EXEC(' SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE ID in (' + @myList + ')' )


  • RE: dynamic columns?


    I tend to agree that you might meet this requirement better on the client side, but if you want to do dynamic crosstabs in SQL, try one of these.  The...

  • RE: Updating Triggers

    I believe the difference you are seeing is due to DTC security settings in Windows 2003.  When my company upgraded to I Win 2003 ran into a similar problem.  Triggers implicitly...

  • RE: Assign value to variable of data type ''''Text''''

    With SQL 2000, the only way to assign a text datatype to a variable is to pass it in as a parameter to a stored procedure.

    You can not do something...

  • RE: Transverse row to column

    You can do crosstabs with sql, especially if you have a fixed, stable column list:

    SELECT  Item

               ,sum(case when branch = 'Branch1' then Amount else 0 end) as Branch1


  • RE: Attach DB - Network Device Not Supported?


    Normally SQL Server doesn't like database files on the network.  Tends to increase the problem of maintaining data integrity.

    Microsoft does give a way to...

  • RE: how to determin the transaction isolation level for the current session?

    OK, so I'm reading blogs tonight and I found an entry almost identical to one like mine above.  I'm a little embarassed (because after-the-fact I'm pretty sure I ready the entry...

  • RE: how to determin the transaction isolation level for the current session?

    The only way I've been able to figure out the current transaction isolation level has been kind of a kludge using DBCC USEROPTIONS.  Check to make sure this works with...

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 119 total)