Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: The Work of the Ancients

    Separate "data sets" from the current database and some things live on for years

    An application I helped with in 1999 loaded Corporate ledger data from 1989 through 1999 for a...

  • RE: Hiring for Culture

    Amazing Question. In 35 years in the industry I've worked with small business, Played in the Dot-Com bubble, Did major corporate IT, and now work for a major defense...

  • RE: Data or Experience

    Excellent editorial! Focus on Sample size, data over time, and variance were well phrased.

    These concepts are frequently lost in the demand to have a simple answer to a...

  • RE: Culture Clashes and Arrogance

    Awesome editorial! Process VS product tends to be a continuum and organizational enforcement changes across time. Experience across time is an amazing thing

    Sometimes the focus is on...

  • RE: Large Chunks of Data

    Timely topic. After several years of holding an BI and SSRS environment together on an aging and storage limited server, we were told to create a "Next Generation...

  • RE: Sabbatical

    Based on your questions, role, and employer, you might want to try something customer facing. You could choose to identify and aggregate groups of database users by some...

  • RE: A Patch Disaster

    Interesting challenge as corporate infrastructure becomes more centralized and server virtualization expands. Fewer people support more platforms with automated tools. The day's of knowing or even identifying system...

  • RE: Smart Energy Doesn't Seem So Smart

    A great article.

    Summarizes many ongoing problems in the industry. The very word O&M, including security, is treated poorly in many organizations. Seems everyone wants to work...

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)